(doophmenitrtyz pov)
i tRied to gRab the plateepussay but the dang boy kept hgholding onto it. i put my hands on my hips and looked at peGHRRy in irritation. "do you see vhat he is dooing?!" "grgrgrgrggrrg" "come on! ive seen you tRansfoRm" "ugh, whatever. stop trying to tell perry what to do, you stupid scientist, if you can even be called that. i bet you are hated in the scientific community" "woah woah woah woah, i am not comfoRtable talking about trauma vhith stRageRs" "then just stop making your stupid machines. you have made the worst 5 years of my life, and i dont even know if its even going to be like this until i eventually die" "yes, i know its been a tough one-" "five" i continued as if he hadnt saids anything "but i am tRying my besT" "then try better. come on pimple" he was enteRRing a dangeR zone in my laboRatoRy. "no! donT go in theRRe!" "or wha-" SPLASH. the platepus stepped on the RRong tile. "pimple!" he yelled "now the wine is spilled all over the floor, and its not even pus i as i hoped it was" veird kid. i wanted him out. "ok you can leave now" "you are under my watch" he said, squinting his eyes and pointing two v-shaped fingers at me, watching me thRough his whole journey until the elevatoR dooRs closed. i sighed in reliev. when i turned my abck, the ghandsom man appeaRed agaig.
"sorry, uh, we got interrupted?" he saiy, smiRRkeng,. "shat ap. that platewuss could have been ouR son" "but we dont need a son to be happy, doof" i felt tears coming out and a knot in my thRoat. "its just," i turned aRRound and saw the dang boy againg! "VHAT DO YE VANT" he speedily took out a svord i left in the lobby of my edificcio. "HAAAAa!" he screamed, RRunning fast tovards me. "PEGHRRY DO SOMETHIG" peghrry stood up, picked up the dumb boy effoRtlessly and threw him out the vindow. "YOU JUST KILLED GHIM PEGGHRRY, NOW I VILL BE IN TGHROUBL" i was exasperated, the situation couldnt be vorse. when i looked down the balcony, i saw ghim safe and sound on the pavement, throving middle finghers at me. "vell if hes okay then vell i fguess-" i suddenly felt a push and saw the city get bigger vith every second that passed. a loud thud echoed.
i stood up, dusted my apron and walked towards a pharmacee. peghrry had RReally caused me a headache and maybe i should just stick to the job i oRRiginelly studied foGHR. i saw the boy running in the direction of where i flell. thats vhen i saw my unmoving, unresponsive body still on the ground. "NO!!!" hghe cRried. he ghugged me and cried some moghrre. "you... you could have been my real father" i felt like i yast woke up fRom a dReams and was pushed againg to approach my body. i sat up. "VHAT!" i shouted in ghis face. it vhas all wrinkly and vet, just like my mothe vhen i confused pepper vith my gRRandpa's ashes and inhaled them. "oh... your aliv" he say, cleaning ghis mucus vith his forearm. "vhat is your mather's name" "linda" my hearRt dRopped. "linda... flynn?" i saedn it disbelief, he nodded. "listen, youR motheR vas such an amazing peRghson, and the oRRgy vhas a very bad idear-" "stpo" he inteGhrrupted me. "i already know the story" "i vill miss gher foRever" "she is at my hoyse, you can visit her if you want" i put my hand on his armpit. "no. she.... she is dead"
the plans for today (a phineas & ferb fanfiction)
Fanfictionwant 2 ruin pheinaes and feb forever"!!1 then keep on raeging dis sdory.