Sharing a bed cliche

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The most cliche thing ever...but I'm doing it cuz I like it! I also kinda forgot about this and I just finished it (1/19/20)
(The song is just there for fun)
(Edited for spelling mistakes)

Kurapika and Y/n had to stay in a hotel, in a for ever cold city, also know as the 'cold city of love and passion'. It was literally always snowing there, so that's where the 'cold' came from. The 'Love and passion' came from the city's well know scenery where people confessed their undying love for each other and sometimes got married.

And sadly, because of the mission Y/n and Kurapika were given, they had to stay here. Out of all the places, here. While Leorio got YorkNew, Kurapika and Y/n got Amour.

"Hello! Welcome to the hotel! And welcome to Amour, I'm guessing this is your 1st stay in this fine city?" Kurapika just nodded, he was too cold to speak. Kurapika didn't wear enough layers, and what made it worse was that he got cold, very easily.  He was holding on to Y/n because of how cold  he got.

While walking to the hotel, Y/n and Kurapika got smiles and cutesy looks by the older people of Amour. They probably thought that the hunters were a couple, assuming that Kurapika was hugging his 'girlfriend' because that what all boyfriends do apparently. But what the seniors didn't know was that the 'boyfriend' was very COLD. The blonde Hunter was freezing out in Amour's all year cold weather. 

"Yes, it's our first stay, we would like to book a room please..." Y/n asked the receptionist because Kurapika was still shivering. The receptionist nodded, and look at her computer to try to find Y/n and Kurapika a room.

"It seems we only have one room left, is that okay with you two?" The hunters nodded at the receptionist's question. They proceeded to pay for their hotel room, and Y/n asked the receptionist a few questions about the area.

***Time skip********************************

The hunters got off of the elevator and walked to the room they were given. Kurapika stopped shivering and was finally able to speak. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked her. Y/n only stared at him with a blank expression.

"We need to get you more layers my dude" Y/n said bluntly before opening the door to the hotel...and almost screaming.

"THERES ONLY ONE BED!!!!" The blonde and    Y/n screamed. 'Will we have to share it ?' They both thought. Their shock and disappointment kept them quiet.

"Since you get cold easily, you can have the bed Kurapika. I'll take the couch infront of the T.V" Y/n reassured Kurapika. She set her stuff down and walked over to the couch to check it out.  Y/n jumped on the couch and a snap was heard.

"Crap, the couch is broken...I'm SINKING! KURAPIKA HELP ME!" The couch had broken in half so it started to cave in the middle. It was also very fluffy and cushiony, so being swallowed by it was an inescapable fate. Kurapika rushed over to help her. He picked her up and set her down on the floor.

"Are you sure you still want to sleep on the couch ? It seems pretty dead to me." Kurapika said jokingly to Y/n. She was quite sad, the couch looked comfy. But atleast it doesn't look broken because of all the fluff it had.

"Let's not worry about this now...let's go get you your layers..."

***Time skip********************************

Y/n and Kurapika went shopping at a nearby outlet shopping mall. Kurapika wasn't freezing now, he had on 2 new fluffy and warm jackets that he had got. He had no need to cling onto Y/n anymore... and for that, he was kind of sad. The cutesy looks from Amour's seniors faded because of the lack of PDA.

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