the final phase

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    I was really exhausted from.......  eating like the food was so delicious but too much, and I don't like wasting food so you know. I met up with gon and the rest soon enough Chairman Netero called to see what the final phase will be like and then we left.
We went to meet Chairman Netero and the final phase was is fighting each other/ and we had two matches we only needed to win one, so i was ok mostly, because I wasn't fighting Gon or Killua or Kurapika.  The first match was Gon and the Ninja(sorry I forgot his name) and it was..... I don't know how to explain it angered me, I didn't like seeing Gon hurt but then I couldn't do anything. He won at the end of the day but his arms were broken, I followed him to the infirmary and kept him company, he looked adorable, when he's asleep. I left to see the next match but I didn't expect it to be this soon Gittarackur finally exposed himself as Killua's brother and right before my eyes Killia killed Leorio's opponent and I couldn't do shit about it. As Killua left due to his disqualification I tried to follow him But Gittarackur who finally revealed himself as Illumi let out a massive amount of bloodlust clearly wanting me that I shouldn't interfere.
      After all the bullshit that happened I went to keep Gon company, he wasn't awake yet though. I fell asleep for a while, and I had a dream, one that made me fear the past it hurt so much, the person who killed me standing in a black mist, he stood in a black mist with a creepy smile, he said "I'm coming for you". I was mortified I woke up in sweat with heavy breathing, I noticed Gon was awake and Satotz was speaking to him they look worried, and I asked what was wrong, they said they tried to wake me up but they couldn't, then Gon hugged me later on showing me his Hunter licence and Satotz giving me mine. Later on While we were talking Gon found out what happened to Killua and he wouldn't stand for it he made sure that he would go and find him and well I'll just tag along but before that I think Gon wants to go and confront Illumi, I actually really liked this scene in the anime, but anyways I need to take a shower I smell like rotten eggs.
     After taking a nice refreshing bath, I felt a cold chill, it was similar to what i felt in my dream;but I will dismiss it there's no way he could be here. I changed into this outfit

And went on to find Kurapika and Leorio in a room where they were having a seminar about the hunter cards I am usually not a late person but I came at the end of it, not like I needed to be there, I already knew what he was going to say

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And went on to find Kurapika and Leorio in a room where they were having a seminar about the hunter cards I am usually not a late person but I came at the end of it, not like I needed to be there, I already knew what he was going to say. But anyways Gon confronted Illumi and broke his wrists, i can't believe i just realized this but this kid had guts from the beginning. I walked up to him after and gave him a hug and talked to Kurapika and Leorio for a while and we decided to start looking for Killua once they've left the seminar hall. Well another arc of adventure, I follow these kids through but I won't lie it's fun.

I'm really really really really sorry for not updating for sooo long, I had writers block and school was in the way too but I'll try and write more.
Happy new year 🥺🥰😁

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