Chapter 1

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*click click click click* Was all you can hear from each step you took into the empty streets. Who knew Egypt would be this quit and Peaceful.

You looked up into the bright moon and smiled gently, you let out a sigh. "You know this reminds me of the old days, with Wamuu and Esidisi" Y/n said to herself

Each store was closed, not a single living thing was in sight. "Excuse me miss?"

Y/n stopped walking and turned around, "can I help you?" Y/n asked in a gentle voice

It was quit for a moment, the atmosphere changed..

"Im sorry I can't help but notice your beauty" the man said taking few steps towards her

"Thank you, but if I were you I would stay where you are" Y/n said warning him.

The man chuckled, "correct me if I'm wrong but you must be Y/n"

Y/n remained calm, this man wasn't human... I felt like I met him before. But where?

"You're not human are you?" Y/n said taking a few steps towards him

"I'm certainly not, just like you" the man said taking a few steps closer.

"Come let's have a little chat at my place shall we ?" The man stuck out his hand.

Y/n hesitated for a moment, "well shit fuck it he's hot anyways " Y/n whispered to herself

She walked closer and took the mans hand

"So tell me, what's your name" Y/n said walking along side with him

"It's Dio, Dio Brando"

"Dio huh? I like it, I haven't heard of that name before" Y/n said looking up at him

"I'm glad you like it"
3 years later

"Dio? I heard you called for me?" Y/n said walking through Dio's room.

"Ah yes Y/n I have a request" Dio said closing his book and getting up.

"Well it depends what it is" Y/n said looking up to him. Y/n and Dio are face to face with each other.

"You and I have a special bond my little flower. But to make that bond I need you to do something for me. I need you to help me get rid of the Joestar bloodline."

Y/n's eyes widen and she backed away

"Dio I can't do that, they accepted me for who I am" Y/n said

"But they took away your only family, your past lovers and only brother-" Dio got cut off with a slap

It was silent for a moment. "Dio that monster was not my brother and don't you ever bring up my past again!" Y/n grabbed Dio by his shirt and dragged him down to her height

"Listen if I ever find out you harmed any of the Joestars specifically Holly I will throw you into the god damn sun."

"You wouldn't even be here if me and that monster didn't make the stone mask so know you're place" Y/n said

"I'm leaving" and Y/n slammed the door.

Dio stood there shocked, soon enough slowly began laughing. "ha. Haha. HAHAAHA OH Y/N YOU TRULY DO AMAZE ME" Dio shouted flopping onto the bed.

"But that doesn't stop me harming the Joestars" Dio said

Time skip

"Hm? Jojo calling me?" Y/n said curiously looking at her cell phone.

"What is it" Y/n asked over the phone.

"Y/n I need help with a situation, would you mind coming to Japan in 3 hours?" Joseph asked over the phone.

Y/n paused for a moment, "Depends what you need me to do?"

"It's about my grandson, Jotaro might possibly have a stand.."

Y/n took a deep sigh, "tell me why I'm not surprised, I'm on my way" Y/n said and then hung up.

"Hm should I go the old fashion way? Or no" Y/n said thinking to herself

"Ah fuck it, it's not like it's gonna kill anyone" Y/n said

Y/n walked down the street into an empty corner, soon feeling herself dissolving into f/c flower petals.

3 hours later

"Wow I actually made it" Y/n said looking around the Air Port.

Suddenly some came up and hugged you from behind. "Y/N!! It's been a while hasn't it? You still look young as ever!"

Y/n turned around to see it was Joseph. "Jojo it's good to see you too, look at you turning into an old man" Y/n said

Joseph laughed, and crouched down to her height, "you know if you ever need a sugar daddy I'm always here" he winked at Y/n then soon burst out into laughter.

"Very funny Jojo" Y/n said laughing it off. "But I'm serious tho" Joseph said

Y/n soon stopped laughing and looked at him dead in the eye. "Jojo I do hope you didn't call me all the way from Egypt just so you can ask me that"

"N-no of course not" Joseph said putting his hand up in defense.

"Y/N PAPA" both Joseph and Y/n turned around to see Holy running towards them. 

"HOLLY!!" Y/n shouted running towards her and hugging her.

"Holly I've missed you so much! Look at you getting older! Let's go get lunch I'm paying for it okay?" Y/n said hugging Holly still.

"Come on Holly dear let's go~" Y/n said cheerfully dragging Holly out of the Air port.

"W-wait Y/n Holly we have things to discuss! Wait for me" Joseph said jogging to them.

"Old man, we can discuss it at lunch, but you're paying for your own food" Y/n said calling a taxi over.

"Wait why do I have to pay for myself!?!" Joseph said complaining.

"Oh be quiet you big baby, at least I'm letting you come with us. Right Holly?" Y/n said linking arms with her.

"Uh y-yes I'm sorry papa" Holly said rubbing her head.

"Well let's get going we don't have time to waste" Y/n said.


Hey y'all, glad to see you guys back, sadly this is the rough draft for the cover I lost my charger for my pencil LOL but it's whatever I'll just finish the cover later with my fingers but I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter~

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