Anatomy for Disaster

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There they were, heading east across the Atlantic Ocean, stowaways on a giant, airborne fortress. Though time was short, they made sure to study up on their unknowing host, Arpeggio. While attending a prestigious boarding school, the young Arpeggio acceled in all subjects, but he never managed to keep up with the other boys physically. Sadly, his wings, due to their small size, were useless for flight. Furious at his feeble body, he focused his powerful mind to search for a cure in the works of the Italian Renaissance Masters. Their notebooks provided the springboard for this sinister, young genius, and it wasn't long before the Klaww Gang took him on as chief inventor. His talents must've been at work using all the Clockwerk Parts for their evil schemes, and now this mastermind was in possession of all the parts. It was only a matter of time now before he put them back together, and when that happens, well...things might get complicated.

Things were about to get more challenging than they already are...


Sly and Y/n exited the small Safe House they had managed to establish on Arpeggio's blimp. They both head out for their mission, Y/n wearing her(his) regular hero outfit now. They head toward the other end of the blimp, which could hardly be considered one with its absurd and complex design. Still though, once they reached the other side of the blimp, their binocucoms went off. The two took the devices out only to find Bentley trying to contact them.

"My instruments have picked up large magnetic fields radiating from inside that blimp. If Arpeggio's already started reassembling Clockwerk, that's where you'll find him."

"Sounds good. We're on our way." Sly said.

"Don't waste any time here, you two. Get to the blimp and take some recon photos. To build a plan, we need to know how close they are to reviving Clockwerk."

"Just stay calm, Bentley. We've got this under control." Y/n said, though even she(he) was unsure of how this would play out.

After putting their binocucoms away, the two climbed up the rope of a balloon before paragliding over to the smaller blimp that was floating nearby. They landed on the wing before climbing up the pole on the side and into a strange looking opening that, for some reason, had an air vent. When they were inside the blimp, however, their eyes widened.

"No way..." They both gasped, until their binocucoms went off again.

"I... I had no idea they could reassemble Clockwerk so fast!" Bentley panicked.

"Calm down, Bentley. He might be in one piece, but he doesn't appear to be, you know, "alive"." Sly said.

"Let's just stick to the format here..." Y/n added. "How about some recon photos?"

"Yeah, you're right... We need to be informed to create a plan of action. Try to get a shot of Clockwerk's head, a mech egg, and one of those spinning, magnetic inducers; they seem important to the procedure, but stay away from the guards. If you get caught, we won't have time for a second chance." Bentley then disconnected.

"Okay, so you get the magnetic inducer and Clockwerk's head while I get the mech egg." Y/n suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

"Just don't get caught, you hear me?"

"Yeah, I know." The raccoon then went off to go get his share of the photos.

Y/n hopped down from where her(him) and Sly stood, but turned around only to see those much eggs Bentley spoke of right behind her(him), quickly snapping a picture of them. "I'm sensing radioactivity coming from inside those eggs; I wouldn't get to close to them..."

"You Sly Raccoon..." Sly Cooper x Male Reader (turn into a girl) Gay LoveWhere stories live. Discover now