Potential Lover

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You walked to your door after getting ready and put on your shoes. You decided to go for a run before it got dark. You grabbed your keys and unlocked the door before walking out. You shut the door behind you and locked up before turning around and jogging to a big park across the street.

Upon getting there you stretch but not for too long as you wouldn't want to waste time. It was about 4:30pm in the winter, and got dark at about 5:57pm.

While jogging you thought to yourself how you proud you got up and gathered the strength to go for a run. You really needed the exercise for you've been small and weak ur whole life. Or at least felt that way for some reason. As you became lost in your head filled with thoughts you've failed to notice a stick just laying there. You stepped on it as you brought forth your other foot making it unable to move thus causing you to trip. You fall face down on the ground only skinning your knee. How lucky you were that it was only that, you thought as you sat up and looked at where the pain was coming from. You lightly blow it and wipe off the dirt as you didn't bring any Aid due to not even thinking something so dumb could happen.

You stood up and shrugged it off. Just then you thought you saw a glimpse of something near the tree you were running next to and felt a bit frightened for a second. You tried to call yourself down by shrugging it off as an animal and continued running.

You ran for 5 mins before slowly starting to feel a bit hotter than usual. The sun was out though not kissing you and you assumed it was your body heat rising due to the work out. 7 mins pass and you start to feel as if you have a fever. You sat on a near by bench and panted as you tried to catch your breath. Just then everything went dark.

You suddenly wake up on a warm rug next to a stone cold floor. Thoughts of what had happened ran through your head and you wondered if you had dreamt such an odd and unexplainable experience. Clenching your fist against the rug as you sat up and rubbed your eyes. Upon opening them you were greeted with a shocking sight. You weren't at home nor were you at the park. The room was filled with empty space besides the basic bedroom necessities. A bed, wardrobe, and desk. Though not completely empty it was awfully spacious. You started panting again out of fear before a noise caught your attention. You turned behind you to the noise and saw the nob of the door rattling. Your body tensing up in fear. The door then swung open showing a tall dark skinned man standing in the door way. Fear taking up your entire body as it trembled and your eyes wide. "Your awake. " He said with a nonchalant face being washed away and replaced with a slight smirk. "Where am I? What does he plan to do with me? Will he kill me afterwards?" Thoughts rushing through your head like rollercoasters. The male wore jewelry, an odd shaped hat, armour and barely any clothes. As he approaches you, closing the door behind himself you scoot back a little in fear. "Come, human. " He commands as he passes you. "Human?! Aren't you one as well?" You pondered before standing up and slowly following a good length behind him. The fear only half gone as confusion takes up the other half. He opened the door to present another room. It was a washroom. You stood by the door as he went over to the shelf and set down 3 bottles. He turned on the bathwater as tried processing what was going on.

He let the water run and made sure it was the right temperature before walking towards you. You flinch a bit and look down squeezing your eyes shut in fear of what may happen next. He cuffed your chin in his hand and brought it up for you to face him. He gave you a small peck on the forehead and left before saying;"I'll bring you spare clothing.. After your done come outside and sit on my bed. " He said. His words were soft but his dangerous Aura said otherwise. You don't know why but despite.. What ever was going on you still feared him. Perhaps it was his odd appearance, his face or something else. No feeling you had since you got here washed away. You still felt the need to fear for your life, confused and other unexplainable emotions built up inside you.

He left the room and left you to strip and wash yourself. You stood there for a while processing what had happened before deciding to comply.

End chapter.
Authors note: idk what I'm doing but it'll get better I swear! 😌😋🧛🏽‍♂️

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