Day 13

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I picked up my tube of mascara, unscrewed the lid, and paused. Is it worth the effort? My thoughts raced through my head as I did my makeup for the day. He will not see me today, either. So is makeup necessary?

I ultimately decided to continue. Routine helps keep me calm. After what I had been through, routine is much preferred.

I told the Devas I would return with treats after replenishing their dishes for breakfast, and left my cabin to join my friends.



Someone whispering to me brought me out of my trance. "Hm?" I looked around to see Mahiru next to me. A few moments ago, the room was full of jovial noise as my friends talked, joked, and enjoyed breakfast. Suddenly, all that remains is the sound of Teruteru singing while he washed dishes.

"Sonia, are you okay? Everyone else headed out and you barely touched your food."

"Oh, um, I just did not sleep well last night. I may take a brief nap—" I got up to leave, but Mahiru stopped me

"Hey, seriously, this isn't like you. I have ice-cream and popcorn at my place. Come hang out. We can talk about whatever you want, okay?"

"That is alright, Mahiru; please do not worry—"

"Sonia, you did me a huge favor yesterday with the hamsters—"

"—Dark Devas of Destruction."

"Yes, Dark Devas of Destruction, my bad," She continued, "Let me return the favor... and be a friend."

I sensed Mahiru's felt my reluctance. She added "I have Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough..."
I smiled softly and told her I would 'hang out' with her.

When Mahiru invited me inside her cabin, I timidly sat myself on the edge of her bed. "Make yourself at home!" She said as she closed the door and took off her shoes

She opened a miniature refrigerator as I looked around. Her camera was plugged into a laptop computer on her desk. Behind said desk was a collection of photos she had printed or developed... all photos of us. I felt my lips curl into a smile as I took in the happy memories of... almost all of my friends. "Alright I stole two spoons from the restaurant so we can share—"

Mahiru stopped in her tracks when she saw me. I was staring dead ahead at her bulletin board, fixated on a particular photo. She put down the pint of ice-cream and the spoons, then made a path to exactly what I was looking at. She carefully removed the photo from the cork and brought it back to the bed. "You can take a closer look, you goofball," she teased me as she handed me the picture.

It was a photo of the Devas from yesterday. I had commanded them to all leap in the air at once for the photo. Mahiru, of course, got the perfect image. They all look like they are flying through the sky, like superheroes. My smile widened as I held the glossy paper in my hands. "Sonia, are you crying?"

I had not noticed. Tears, were, in fact, in my eyes. "I suppose I am," I could barely speak.

"Hey, if you like it that much, it's yours."

I felt my throat tighten and my chest swell. "Mahiru... you do not realize how much this means to me. I am so grateful."

"I don't really get it but..." she paused, glanced at her bulletin board, and then corrected herself, "Are you upset about Gundham?"

Now I noticed my tears clouding my vision. I told her everything I had been up to since we arrived at this island. I told her about visiting the pods and talking about the days' events. I told her about reading Pride & Prejudice. I told her how I worry about Gundham.

Help Me Find the Words: A Sonia x Gundham TaleWhere stories live. Discover now