Day 13 - Evening

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I stood atop the library ladder, meticulously scanning the spines of texts old and new. Othello, Pericles, Richard II, Richard III, Romeo & Juliet... "Ah, here it is!" I was too excited to keep my thoughts contained!

I removed the book I had been searching for. A complete collection of Shakespeare's Sonnets. I smiled as I browsed the table of contents, hoping to see anything that stood out for tonight's reading. I originally planned to just read them in order—

"Hello, Miss Sonia!"

I couldn't help but scream out in surprise suddenly hearing his voice. I had lost my balance and I almost stumbled off the ladder.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry!" Kazuichi rushed toward me, stopping slightly under the ladder. As I caught myself on the rungs, I took note of his arms outstretched, ready to catch me, but his head facing the floor. I instinctively closed my legs together.

"Kazuichi, I'm going to climb down the ladder now," I told him, firmly.

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course!" As soon as he took enough steps back, I descended.

I gave him a polite smile once I had my feet planted on the floor. "Good evening, Kazuichi," I started to make my exit, but I, of course, was interrupted.

"You already find a new book for your night reading? I noticed you'd been reading the same book for a while now so I figured you'd be looking for something new by now, ya know?"

"Yes, that is correct. It is Shakespeare's sonnets."

"Oh wow. I never really got into that sort of thing, but, it sounds awful... romantic, doesn't it?" He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned at me, "You sure you don't want to read them out loud to anyone?"

"This is for my own enjoyment, thank you."

"Miss Sonia... you're blushing."

I am? Oh dear. He stepped closer toward me and leaned forward on a nearby desk. He raised an eyebrow. This is the most confident I had ever seen him. "Kazuichi, I—"

"Just say the word, and I'll be there with you. You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

That twinge of guilt has returned. I took a deep breath and contemplated my reply. "Kazuichi... if you mean what you say, you will respect my desire to be alone."

His face dropped in an instant. "Yeah, that's... yeah. No problem," and his grin suddenly returned, "I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow, Miss Sonia! Goodnight!"

I returned a farewell and watched him leave the library with a spring in his step. Once the door closed behind him, I released a breath I did not know I was holding. This is becoming a bad habit.


The passcode had been typed in, and the Devas and I walked inside, eagerly anticipating any potential updates. "Hey Sonia," Chiaki greeted us, as usual

"Good evening Chiaki. Do you have any news?"

"I don't really have news, but I do have a good feeling. I think we're really close."

"Really?" I could not contain my joy, "You think he could wake up tonight?"

"Well, I can't promise anything, of course, but I can predict. I'm predicting he'll be conscious within the next 48 hours."

My shoulders slumped over with disappointment. "48 hours?"

"Hey, I'm Artificial Intelligence, not a wizard," Chiaki teased

Help Me Find the Words: A Sonia x Gundham TaleWhere stories live. Discover now