Day 14 - Midnight

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I lay in my bed flat on my back, staring at the ceiling, my chandelier's crystals dancing in the light of the moon. I had lit a lavender scented candle in an attempt to fall asleep faster, and yet I still remained awake.

I attempted different sleeping positions— my sides, my stomach— I even tried sleeping across the mattress horizontally, thinking it was 'so crazy it just might work'. No luck. I sat up and groaned. What does one do now?

And then I was struck with an idea. I stepped out of bed to fetch the book of Sonnets from my bag. I picked the bag up from my chaise and sat down to rummage through. The bag was lighter than I had expected, and when I looked inside, I saw why that was. The book was not there. Actually, the bag was quite empty. The book would be difficult to miss.

I let out a breath through my nose and pouted. Well, I am not tired yet, so perhaps I will take a walk to the library to find a new book. The Sonnets will be found eventually.

I retrieved a thick cardigan from my wardrobe, placed it over my satin sleep clothes, slipped my feet into the sandals I wore today, and I made my way toward my cabin door. However, my plans were suddenly thwarted once I turned the handle and opened the door.

I stood with wide eyes and an open mouth, practically mirroring Gundham, who stood before me. His hair was down, hiding parts of his bare face. He still wore his scarf and jacket, but he distinctly had on far more casual trousers and— I felt my heart get caught in my throat— no shirt. I forced myself to swallow and clenched my fists to contain my palms' sweat. He appeared to be caught off guard as well; one of his hands was in a fist, hovering in the air. Was he about to knock?

He cleared his throat and brought that hand down before speaking, "Sonia, please forgive my intrusion. You left this text in my domicile and I wish to return it to you. I would have returned it sooner had I not been caught up in reading it myself, and for that, I wish to apologize."

His hand that was normally bandaged extended toward me, the book of Sonnets being held by the spine for me to take. I observed the traces of scars starting around his wrist that extended under the sleeves of his coat, and tiny wounds across his fingers and palm. I swallowed again to bring my focus back and placed a hand on the book. "You have remarkable timing. I was just about to walk to the library to find something new to read--"

"Alone? At night? Sonia, that is far too dangerous--"

I moved my hand from the book to his fingers. I heard the fear in his voice. "Gundham, we are no longer in a Killing Game. We are safe."

He exhaled before replying, "That is right. I must have... forgotten. Again, I apologize."

"No, I understand. It is difficult to remember at first, since we are still on the island and we are not able to return home," I softly smiled at him, empathizing.

"You are very compassionate, Sonia," He stated, smiling back, "I do appreciate your kindness."

My smile widened, and we both stood in the night air, my hand still on top of his on the book, my body starting to shiver from the garments I wore. "You are, as well," I told him, "I know you possess dark powers of which humans are incapable of comprehending, but that does not mean you cannot make a positive impact in people's lives."

He stood perfectly still with bewilderment on his face. After a few moments, he rapidly blinked a few times, and seemed to remember how to speak. "Th-thank you, Sonia," and we stood in silence for a few moments more, until he nervously shifted his weight, pushed the book toward me, and said, "Well, I suppose I will be off now and attempt to rest once more; farewell—"

"Gundham, wait," I stopped him. Something was on my mind, "Why did you come to return the book now instead of tomorrow morning? It is quite late at night."

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