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I awoke from a nap, unsure what time it was, but certain I had grown more ravenous. This is agonizing. My last meal was two days ago. I refuse to give in to Monokuma's demands. No one else is going to die by someone else's hands. If we all must starve here, so be it. My heart sank at the thought. Starvation. If the hunger pains I have endured are any indication of what is to come, I dread my inevitable demise here.

I slowly rose from my bed, resting my legs over the side. I had previously made myself dizzy from getting up too hastily, and did not wish to make the same mistake twice. I sighed, and felt my eyes water. I shut them tightly. No, crying will make me less hydrated, and will exert my energy. Be strong.

I did some deep breathing to calm down. There is no purpose to spending our last days alone. I wonder what he is doing.

Pacing myself, I descended the stairs to the lobby of Grape Tower. I had a long journey ahead of me, but it would be worth it to see him again.

The elevator signaled I had reached my destination. "Just a few more meters," I declared, trying to encourage myself to keep going.

I dragged one foot in front of the other through the Strawberry Hall. I could hear my heart and lungs working their hardest with every step. My body's functions were the only audible noises until I heard a second set of quickened strides ahead of me. "Sonia?"

I looked up and saw him at the end of the hall. He looked stunned. Perhaps scared. "Hello, Gundham... I thought I would find you here..."

I dropped to my hands and knees. I did not realize how little energy I had left.

I was trembling. I shut my eyes and did my breathing exercises again. I had to control myself. The only thing I could focus on was my own body. I sensed every change to my condition, so I immediately took notice of something grasping my hand. My eyes burst open to see Gundham's hand on mine. "Sonia, you need to lay down. Please, let me help you."

With the limited stamina I had, I nodded my head 'yes'. I did my best to conceal the pain on my face. Shutting my eyes again, I felt Gundham pull me up from the ground and sling my arm across his upper back. My feet moved as he moved, guiding me out of the hallway. We did not speak. All our energy was being exerted into getting out of this room.

"Okay, there is a bench in front of you. I am going to guide you," he gingerly held my wrist as he led my hand to the bench's back. He let go of my wrist and placed his hands on my hips, "Please let me know if you do not wish to be touched—"

"—It is alright."

"Y-yes, of course," he stammered as his hold on me strengthened

He helped turn me around so I could sit on the bench. I folded my hands in my lap as I settled in. Once I was steady, I took another deep breath— eyes still closed. "You must be more careful," I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head toward Gundham, who had placed his hand on mine once again, "Traveling this great of a distance in your state exerts too much energy."

I tightened my grip on my own fingers. His tone was firm, but calm; concerned, but quiet. "I..." Pausing, I reconsidered what I wanted to say, "What about you? What you did... must have exhausted you."

Between breaths, he replied, "I must have been granted a sudden burst of adrenaline from my powers within."

That made me smile. Our eyes locked, and he quickly drew his hands back. He hid his face deeper into the confines of his scarf. "Why did you make your way here to begin with?" He asked, staring out to the garden, where I saw his Devas were playing.

"I did not want to be alone."

His eyes grew wider. His words faltered again, "Surely, one of the other girls, or Hajime—"

"You were my first choice."

"Oh. I see."

Silence. I do not think either of us could look at the other.

"Well," he began, "That is very... kind of you."

We both stared straight ahead. What else was there to do? We stared on as the Devas frolicked through the flowers, as if they were unaware of the dire situation their caretaker was in.

It made me think about how selfless he is. Through the agony of hunger, he always makes sure his animals are taken care of. Through the suffering of starvation, he used what little energy he had to bring me to safety. Through the despair of dying, he cares about others... perhaps more than he cares about himself.

My eyelids grew heavy. It was difficult keeping them open. My neck was having trouble holding my head up. "Sonia?" I could barely comprehend his words.

"Hm?" I continued to stare in front of me

"If... something happens to me," I heard him exhale, "I entrust you to care for the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Is this something you would be willing..."

His voice trailed off. I recall letting out an 'Mhm' in affirmation, and my head falling into his shoulder before I lost consciousness.


I felt hands on me, gently shaking my body. Someone was calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes. "Chiaki?" I did not expect to see her, "Where is Gundham?"

She was crouched down to be at my eye level. "I'm not sure," she replied, "He wasn't here when I got here."

I did not recall laying down to rest. Perhaps Gundham placed me in a more comfortable position? I tried to concentrate on where I was and what happened to me. With as much energy as I could muster, I sat upright and looked ahead. "Where are the Devas?"

"Probably with Gundham, wherever he is," Chiaki tried to reassure me, "I'm sure they're okay."

"What time is it?" I felt so useless just asking questions.

"It's late, I can tell you that. I was in the lounge and saw everyone go back to their rooms for the night except you and Hajime, so I went searching for you both. I found you first and wanted to stay with you until you woke up, but then Hajime arrived here and I had to get him back to his room. I was able to get him back on his own so I could make sure you were okay."

What was Hajime doing here? Pondering that is not worth my time right now, so I erased the thought from my head. Why would Gundham leave me alone? Perhaps he believes the killings have ended, just as I believe? "I think I should go find him—" I tried to stand up, but instantly felt lightheaded and fell back on the bench.

"No, I think you need to go back to your room and rest, like everyone else," she stood up and held out her hand, "Come on. We'll walk slow, and I'll hold your hand the whole time."

I thanked her and allowed her to pull me up. It surprised me how much energy she had in her. This all seemed effortless.

When we reached the elevator, I could not help myself. I looked over my shoulder, hoping to see him one more time.  The door opened with a chime, and the hallway remained unchanged.

Help Me Find the Words: A Sonia x Gundham TaleWhere stories live. Discover now