Day 14

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I wish I could say I rose naturally with the sun beating down on my face. That was the first thing I felt this morning. In my half-conscious state, I felt warm and bright, but could easily fall back asleep in the glow. However, the sound of a hairdryer in another room shot my eyes open.

That is when I realized I never went home last night. The bed I lay in did not have my excessive throw blankets and decorative pillows. My framed ouija board was not on the wall above the television. My potted plants were not there to greet me... but the Four Dark Devas of Destruction still were. Paralyzed, my eyes grew wide as my face grew red. I am still at Gundham's home.

What is happening? What do I do? I do not remember anything happening last night that would be incriminating for the two of us...

My mind raced with fear. The implications! The hairdryer blared almost in rhythm with the sounds of small animals eating and everything just seemed to get louder and louder and louder and louder and—

I could not handle it anymore. I took hold of the pillow I was laying on and folded it over my ears. It muffled the noise somewhat, but I was still aware of its presence... until it stopped. And I heard a door open. And then the sound of fabrics falling on the floor. And then hurried steps. And then his voice. "Sonia, are you alright?"

And I felt his hand on my shoulder. My body seized and I shut my eyes as tight as I could. My back was to him so I could not see his face, and I wished it remained that way, but he let go of me and traveled to the other side of the bed. "Sonia?"

I heard the worry when he spoke. This was all... so much. My eyes— still shut— were more relaxed now. I did my deep breathing so I could attempt to communicate. When I finally opened my eyes again, I saw him standing on the other side of the bed, his hand gripping the post against the wall, concern on his face. His entire face. He had not put his scarf on yet, and I could see his entire face, unobstructed. His neck has small scars.

I managed to smile and said "I am doing okay now," a half-truth.

"Are you certain?"

I nodded my head 'yes' and slowly sat upright. I was not sure where to look now.

After some more silence, I heard him walk back toward the bathroom door he entered from. I briefly looked over to see him pick up his scarf and jacket from the floor, open the wardrobe, and put the clothes on while he adjusted in the mirror. "Nothing..." he began speaking again, "nothing... happened... last night, if that is what you are concerned about."

I saw him hide his face in the reflection. I lightly smacked my own face to stop myself from blushing, too. He continued, "We just... talked with each other... and then you fell asleep. Please forgive me for doing so, but I did carry you so you could rest in a more comfortable position. I apologize if this frightened you."

"You do not need to apologize for that," I meekly replied, "But I greatly appreciate you being so considerate."

He nodded his head in the mirror in response. Suddenly, there were very loud voices outside. "HELL YEAH! IIIIIIIIIIIT'S BREAKFAST TIME!"

I recognized them instantly. Akane and Nekomaru's hands smacked together— I believe in a High Five— and their voices trailed off as they made their way toward the restaurant. I felt my face light up as a thought came to my mind. "Gundham! Everyone is going to be so happy to see you this morning!" I bounced out of the bed and joined him in the mirror, "We still meet for breakfast and dinner every day. It is so wonderful, and I know everyone will be so excited that you are here! You must join us!"

The corners of his mouth perked into a smile that I could see just over the top of the scarf. "If you believe The Supreme Overlord of Ice will have a grand and noble entrance, let us depart."

Help Me Find the Words: A Sonia x Gundham TaleWhere stories live. Discover now