Chapter 7.

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Unedited. Sorry :(



I talked on the phone with Joyce for another hour before hanging up. We actually had a really good conversation. I couldn't imagine myself going days without talking to her.

I laid my phone down on my towel before deciding to take a dip in the pool. I dove in head first and began to kick my legs. The pool was actually really deep just the way I liked it. I was actually a recreational swim team for 4 years. Those were the good ideas.

I emerged from the water and wiped my face. I could swim for hours, it was probably one of my favorite things to do.

The pool was rather large so I decided to do a few laps back and forth to kill time. I was floating on my back when a loud bang made me jump up. Water splashed in my face blinding me for a few seconds.

I wiped my eyes and saw Carmelo, Dominic, and the 2 hulky guys walking across the patio. The expressions on their face didn't reflect anything good. Carmelos white button down shirt was wrinkled and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. I took in his appearance as I saw splatters on blood on his shirt.

The other guys continued in the house as Carmelo walked to my side of the pool.

"Get out. Now." He demanded waiting for me.

"What's going on?" I say swimming to the edge of the pool.

"Hurry up." He said in a harsh tone. He reached down and grabbed me by the elbow pulling me up in a swift motion. He had some serious arm strength.

"Sorry." I say realizing I got him soaked.

He held on too my elbow as he dragged me in the house. We entered the kitchen and there were a few guys loading up dozens of guns.

"What the fuck..." I whispered to myself. "Carmelo what's going on?" I asked.

He pushed me into a seat at the kitchen table where their were guns laid out on the table.

My heart was racing a thousands beats per minute.

Maxine walked in the kitchen with a gun in her hand. She had on a plain white shirt with ripped jeans. Her hair was flipped allowing me to see the tattoos behind her ear.

"How much time we got?" She asked loading her gun.

"I'm not sure." Carmelo answered. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. This man was so ripped. The way he was tattooed down was so attractive. The muscles in his arms moved with him as he loaded his gun.

"Where's Dominico?" Maxine asked.

He looked at her with an unreadable. "I don't know he and another guy got mixed up."

"Fuck." Maxine cussed. She grabbed her gun an exited the kitchen.

Carmelo grabbed a gun off the counter and walked my way.

I immediately shook my head. "I-I don't like guns." I say.

He paused and stared at me. "I know your a good shooter damn good actually." He says. "Your dad was in the military and you don't like guns?"

"No." I snapped. That was a traumatic story for another day. "Carmelo what's going on?"

"What you found in my report I've had some suspicions about a person. I went to confront him but he had us set up. I think we were followed back." He sat the gun on the table. "They're most likely going to shoot up the estate."

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