hello, old friend

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"seonghwa!" i breathe, smiling wide. i run to hug him, leaping into his open arms.

"it's been awhile, beautiful," seonghwa holds me tight, tucking his face in the crook of my neck.

"i thought you were at university!" i pull back, still holding onto his shoulders.

"well, i was, but i was miserable. i hated it there. i'm actually about to go audition for an entertainment company."

"no way!" i smile, "you want to be an idol?"

"yeah, i do. you know how much i love to sing," he chuckles, "i'm just not sure they'll accept me."

"don't be silly, you're gonna make it. you're handsome, you have charm and sex appeal, you have an amazing voice - they'd have to be idiotic to not accept you."

"well, i wouldn't be surprised if they said i was too old. i'm already twenty," seonghwa shrugs, a halfhearted smile painting his beautiful features.

"hey, don't forget that jin from the one and only bts was eighteen. he would've been too old, too, but he was still accepted."

"he was younger than me, san. not only that, but he was scouted!"

"okay? and? he was technically older than most! and getting scouted is like unintentionally auditioning."

"not really, but thanks for trying, little choi," seonghwa chuckles lightly.

i sigh, smiling at the memory of why he gave me that nickname.

when i was a kid, i was smaller than most others. puberty hit really late for me, so i still sort of looked like a kid when i got into high school. thankfully, it kicked in second year and i grew rapidly. however, during the time that i was still small and child-like in appearance, i was made fun of a lot. one day, when i was at lunch, this group of guys much bigger than me started pushing me around. they had just shoved me to the ground when one of the most popular guys in school, park seonghwa, came to my rescue. he shoved the ring leader of the group and told them to quit messing with me. of course, the leader was scared of him, so they quit. he turned to me and, with a concerned expression, said, "are you okay, little choi?"

he started hanging out with me all the time to protect me after that day, and we quickly became best friends.

the bullying stopped.

i grew that winter, and yet to him, i was still little choi.

"so," he begins, pulling me out of my trance, "what have you been up to?"

"oh, nothing much. i have an interview at an entertainment company, hopefully to become a manager. oh, yeah, and i'm on my way to meet my date downstairs!" i smile brightly, giggling a little.

"wait, you found your soulmate?" seonghwa beams, ecstatic that i may have found the love of my life. i hate to break the news.

"no, actually," i look down at my feet, feeling bad that i rained on his parade, "he's not my soulmate. but i do like him and he likes me back. we don't know when we'll find our soulmates, so why should i be lonely until then? if i'm dating someone at the time, they'll understand that i'll have found my soulmate."

seonghwa looks me in the eyes and i remember just how powerful his dark grey stare is.

truth be told, i had the biggest crush on him in high school.

the elevator dings as we reach the ground floor. the doors open and i look around the area, trying to find that familiar short figure. i finally find him and notice his outstanding outfit. a black blazer over a black t-shirt. the t-shirt is tucked into a pair of blue jeans that are tucked into tan combat boots.

damn, he looks good, i think, biting my lip.

seonghwa looks over at me and tries to find what i'm looking at when he lays eyes on hongjoong.

"damn, is that your date?" he points to said date.

"yeah, that's him. i got a good one, right?" i smile, looking up at seonghwa.

"you only let him go for your or his soulmate. no exceptions," seonghwa laughs.

i call out to hongjoong and beam as his face lights up when he finds me. i wave almost comically, jumping a little as he makes his way over. he looks me up and down, taking in the appearance that i worked very hard to create. he then notices seonghwa and his expression contorts into confusion.

"who's this?" hongjoong asks, raising an eyebrow as he comes up to me. the way he says it betrays his expression, as it doesn't sound like innocent confusion. it sounds more like skepticism and jealousy.

little red flag, but i'd probably be the same way.

"hongjoong, this is seonghwa, my best friend from high school. seonghwa, this is hongjoong, my date," i smile, nervous about the situation. seonghwa grins, going to shake hongjoong's hand. hongjoong reluctantly shakes his hand, relaxing slightly when he realizes that seonghwa really is just a friend.

"nice to meet you, hongjoong," seonghwa starts, "i've got somewhere to be, so i can't stay long, but have fun, you two," seonghwa turns to hug me, whispering as quiet as he can, "if he tries anything, just call me - you have my number."

"of course," i whisper back, pulling away and giving him the biggest smile i can, "text me, yeah? let me know how the audition goes!"

"of course, little choi. i'll see you soon!" he grins, waving slightly as i leave with hongjoong.

"so," i turn to hongjoong, "where's this cafe?"

a/n - hongjoong's outfit is a real look that he wore - hongjoong 190928 - you're welcome :)

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