The Island

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I'm very sorry if you read the unedited version of this chapter. Wattpad deleted some of it and it didn't realized until I read through. So sorry if you were confused.

Hiccup's POV
Other riders and I were very tired from riding for days straight. Nobody got any proper sleep and we haven't spotted land yet.

Tuffnut gasped, "I see land! 10 o'clock! Let's go!" Everyone groaned. Tuff had supposedly seen land 7 times already and all of them were false alarms.

We started to ignore tuff until Fishlegs intervened, "Wait, wait, wait I see it too." Fishlegs tossed me the spyglass he was looking through. "It's concealed a little by the fog but you should see it with the spyglass." Fishlegs told me. I zoomed in with the spyglass and looked around.

"I don't see.... there is an island! Finally!" I exclaimed.

"Thank Thor" Astrid sighed. Toothless turned towards the island, and he roared happily to to other dragons, determined on getting to the island.

We landed on the island at night fall, and we didn't bother to make camp. We just grabbed our sleeping rolls and fell asleep next to our dragons.

Leyla's POV
I got out of bed in the morning to the sound of Dak and Winger cheering, probably on their morning flight. I went downstairs to the sleep cave to wake the dragons up. "Guys, time to wake up its morning," I called down, "We have Herring for breakfast"

The dragons immediately got up at the sound of breakfast. "Isn't Grumblegard coming today? With the babies!" Burple said excitedly.

"Yup, I'm surprised he agreed seeing that leaves his island unguarded. But he's only here for the day so we should probably get it started." Summer responded while getting the fish barrels with herring in them. Dak and Winger landed near the fire pit.

"It a great day today, and the babies are coming over. Best of all, Elbone's new job is knitting! Thee's no way we will have to rescue him from that." Dak said.

"I don't know, Elbone can be rescued from pretty much anything. I wouldn't be surprised if we had to rescue him from knitting," Aggro commented.

Dak opened his mouth to argue but large wing beats interrupted him. "Grumblegard is here!" Burple exclaimed. As if on cue, Grumblegard landed and lowered himself to let the babies get off. The babies squealed and ran over to greet us.

"Hi Grumblegard! I'm really glad you agreed to join us today. Surprised too." I said.

"Meh, the babies couldn't stop whining after I declined at first so to make them happy I agreed." Grumblegard responded.

"Well all the stuff we will be doing will be away from the village since, well um, you attacked the village a week ago. But there's still plenty to do around the island."

"Just make sure the babies stay entertained. Don't want them disappointed. And try to keep me from falling asleep. The babies kept me up all night." Grumblegard said with a yawn.

"Don't worry, we already made a plan. Come on!" I said, while mounting Summer. She took off followed by the other rescue riders, and Grumblegard.

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