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Matt's POV:

I woke up to hearing a loud crash downstirs. I looked over and saw Danny still asleep. His mom was at work. And if Daniel is still up here in bed with me, then who was downstairs?

"Danny, wake up," I shook his body carefully.

"Mhm, what is it baby?"

"Shhh. Someone is downtairs," I whispered.

Daniel's POV:

"What do ya mean? No one is here but us Matt," he looked at me and shook his head.

"Thats what I tgought, just listen," we both stayed silent for about ten minuets when we heard someone walking up the stairs.

"Matty, what do we do now? Whoever it is is coming up here," I whispered holdining Matt tighter.

"Act like your asleep, here lay your head on my chest and put your left arm around me and put your right arm in my left hand." The footsteps stopped right outside the door. "Close your eyes," Matt mouthed.

I did as I was told and held Matt tightly. The door slowly opened and the footsteps entered the room, the door closed.

"I knew it," said a familiar voice. The footsteps stopped at the bed.

Matt tightened his grip on my hand, as did I.

"Oh my god, the dick sucker turned Matt gay." Holy shit. I knew exactly who was standing over us, apparently Matt did too, he pushed me off of him and jumped out of the bed, hitting Dan right in the jaw.

"You idiot! Breaking into someones house and breaking things just to see if I was gay," Matt yelled. Dan turned to Matt and kicked him right in the balls.

"Matty!" Dan laughed at my name for Matt. And that was enough.

I stood up and pushed Dan into the wall and kept punching him in the face repeatedly. Blood was on my hands and bare chest and of course on Dan's face.

"Danny, stop!"

"Why should I? This asshole deserves it." I kept punching.

"Maybe he does, but if you don't stop you can go to jail for assault." I stopped and Dan fell to floor.

"Just you wait dick sucker, I'm gonna get you at school tomorrow, a last day beat for ya," he laughed. He stood and ran downstairs, we heard.the door slam behind him and a car speed off, I hoped I had messed that mother fuckers eye sight up so he'd reck.

"Thank you Danny," Matt smiled at me.

"Anytime babe."


After taking a shower and getting dressed Matt had decided it was time for him to leave. He gave me a kiss before he left, now I was bored.



To: Lilly

Hey guess what happened.


To: Daniel



To: Lilly

Dan broke into my house this morning and I beat the shit out of him for kicking Matt in the balls and he left here with a bloody shirt and face. I had bloody hands and chest.


To: Daniel

Wow. Omg. Good for you Danny.



"Hey Matty," I giggled.

"Hey baby, what do you need? Is something wrong?"

"No I just wanted to talk to you baby."

"Oh. What are you doing?"

"Beside talking to you I am using the bathroom," I blushed but he did ask.

"Okay, thanks for sharing I guess."

"Your welcome I think."

"Danny, have I ever told you I love you?"

"Yes, and I love you too."

"Well Danny, I got to go baby, but listen I need you to see if your mom will let you come and stay a couple days at my place and let me know so.i can pick you up."

"Okay I'll try baby, bye I love you Matty."

"Love you too."


I hung up the phone and texted my mom.



To: Mom

Mom, would you care if I went to stay with Matt a couple days? I know I'm grounded but, please?


To: Matt

Well... Yes but make sure you call me and let me know when you.get there.


To: Mom

Okay I will, thank you.


To: Daniel

Just because I'm letting u do this doesn't mean ur ungrounded.


To: Mom

I know. Bye I gtg.


I was so excited about staying with Matt all week, tomorrow being Monday, witch starts the last week of school.

I was in the middle of making sure I had everything I needed for.this week when there was a knock at the door. Matt shouldn't be here untill about six, and its only four.

I waled to the door and opened it. Dan rushed in, knocking me to the ground. He closed the door behind him, draging me by feet into the hallway.

"I decided I'd give you a punch or two today insted of tomorrow, I just couldn't wait," he laughed.

Dan looked around the room then back at me, still on the floor, he gave me a kick to my side making me whimper in pain.

"Stay put, dick sucker." He walked away into the kitchen and came back with a pot.

"Uh, what's with the pot?"

"Just hush and you'll find.out," he kicked me in the face causing blood to form a stream down the side of my mouth.

He held the pot over his head, "I'm not the only one returning to school with marks on my face." Before I had a chance to even think, the pot came crashing down on the side of my head. Dan laughed before hitting me again, the next thing I know he runs out the door.

The room started to get darker and darker and darker...


Hey guys thanks for reading this. The next chapter may not be as bloody as this one but it'll be good, I promise. Nickjb2001

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