pandora's box

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the only way you'll get what you want
cain is if you lose your fear in yourself,
then      ,     you      will      be      free



    EVERYONE IS scared of something.

    Whether it be the dark, spiders, or something much more sinister, Cain Richards knew. He knew it like a ugly angel whispering in his ear; singing a song that told him the worst sides of people, begging him to use it in even worse ways. To manipulate, to bring it to life before their very eyes; make them relive their fears until they were a mess of a man afterwards. A shell captured in the cage of their own mind. What he had unleashed in the Labyrinth, and at the battle afterwards had been a side to Cain Richards he hated, pushed down, hid away in its own cage, but he knew it like an old friend. He knew the sound of its voice, what it made him say, what it made him do, and how it gave him a horrible satisfaction to see someone at his mercy when he couldn't do so for most of his life.

     People were scared of him without even knowing that. All rational creatures feared the dark, and they avoided Cain like the plague because deep down, they knew there was something not right. He read people like an open book to the darkest sides of their personalities, and that terrified them almost as much.

    Cain was scared, too. He was scared of himself. He was scared of his mother's death plaguing his nightmares, he was scared of his power, he was scared that no matter what he said, that dark angel inside him sort of enjoyed it. And after the Battle of Manhattan, to which he lost a part of himself, figuratively and literally, that side▬that dangerous voice whispering in his ear▬grew.

     He was determined to stay out of it all. To step back, distance himself and let the world move without him, as he always did. But being pulled into a second Great Prophecy made that hard (impossible, in fact). Cain is out on a ship with nine other people; nine more fears, nine people who knew deep down that he was not as harmless as people said he was. Cain must learn to find balance with his own fears, and others, in order to help save the world from the largest danger they've faced yet. And in order to understand his best, Cain must also open Pandora's Box to fully, completely, know his worst.

     And the last person he expected to help him was a kind, sweet daughter of Harmonia.

    But just like people didn't know the good roots to Cain's nature, they didn't see the capability to Savreen's own. She was tragedy's closest friend; she wore it as a necklace under her shirt, taking it where she went as a burden meant for her shoulders. Her past was riddled with death, loneliness and abandonment, shaping her into someone that might just be the perfect person to help.

     Determined to be useful and capable, Savreen Arora joins the Argo II with a fresh mindset. She had a job: to restore harmony and peace between the Greeks and Romans in order to defeat Gaea once and for all. But just as her plan begins, it falls apart, and soon, they are wanted under Roman command. With little idea on what to do next, and how to fix the strings snapped, Savreen finds hope in Cain Richards: the boy who reminded her of the necklace she was cursed with, but also someone who might just hold the ending of this battle in the palm of his hands. A power he was terrified of, but could just show the Greeks and the Romans exactly what they needed; could just give them victory: the Earth Goddesses's fear.

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