|| 𝐓𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝟒, 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐀 ||

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𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

"This one's for you Dustin... I guess you're not as innocent. Whose that remind you of? My sister, El? Oh yeah, that's right. Everyone thinks you're the golden boy, the sweetest, most innocent there is. Why don't we tell then what you did Dustin?"

Will just wanted to have a good day. For once. But there's always something that stops him. He knows he's hated. But why can't he just be left alone?

"I will never ever forgive you. You were just like her. Wanting me to be hurt, jealous, upset and angry. I hated how it made me feel."

Will wanted someone to listen. Someone to help him through. But he didn't have many options. He didn't have his friends anymore. And the only people who would have been willing to listen to Will was Mike, Richie and probably Stanley.

He thought and thought and thought, Dustin soon coming to mind. After school, he makes his way home and immediately starts writing.

"I thought it was a good idea to tell you how I had been feeling. But that didn't matter to you, to anyone in general. I made a mistake. I should've just told Richie or Mike. Maybe even Stan."

Will had put his heart and soul onto those pieces of paper. Tears clouding his vision as more dripped onto the paper, smudging some of the ink.

"I was so done with life. I just wanted to escape, disappear. And I thought, maybe if someone knows. They could help, seek help for me at least. But no one wants to listen to a broken, depressed, suicidal boy. Who also happened to be lonely and unwanted."

Will pushed past everyone, putting the pieces of paper into Dustin's lockers. He walked away, knowing Dustin would go to his locker at some point in the day.

"I actually had hope, for once. I was actually ready for someone to hear me out. Help me through it. But that hope soon disappeared. Like I wanted to."

Dustin read the papers. But he had no care about them. He passed them around. Everyone read them. And it broke Will to have everyone laugh at him, tell him he's faking.

"Was I faking it though, Dustin? Why would I spend hours writing that much, if it was all fake? You knew what had been happening in my life, and still passed those stupid papers to everyone. For everyone to read about broken Will's life. How his life is a misery. And for them to say it's fake?"

"You saw the bruises on me from the night before with my dad. You saw the cuts on my wrists. You read the papers. You saw me when I was broken, crying. You saw me have my episodes. And still, agree that I'm faking it."

"Just stop Will. You just want attention." Dustin speaks. Will stares at him disheartened, scared and upset. Broken. All the losers and the party are staring at the two, in disbelief. Richie has a saddened look on his face. Mike looks mad. Stanley looks guilty.

"But it's not Dustin! I asked for your help, and you repay me like this! I can't believe you!" Will rushes off, Mike and Stanley following him.

"You're a piece of shit, Henderson." Richie speaks, looking at Dustin. The boy just shrugs.

"He deserves it. He fakes everything." Eddie speaks. Richie snaps his head towards Eddie, anger written on his face.

"You too? What is your problem? You've always been so cold towards him. What has he done wrong?" Eddie goes quiet, looking at everyone else for help.

"He wanted someone to listen. He needs someone to listen, and you guys do nothing about it. You're all pieces of shit!" Richie tries to find Will, but he can't.

"I nearly ended my life that day. Imagine how life would've went then? I really trusted you with my feelings. And you used them. Everyone took advantage of me after that day."

Will walks over to the group. They had started to talk to him again. He felt a little better, but they would always say something. Will accidentally bumps into Jane.

"S-sorry." He mumbles, Jane laughs.

"Are you gonna cry now?" Will looks at her, furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" Everyone snickers. Well, not everyone. That didn't include Richie. Will shakes his head.

Don't cry, Byers. Just smile and laugh it off.

"Oh, haha." Everyone stares at him, shocked.

"I guess, from that day. I didn't let a single tear slip. I didn't let a frown appear on my face. I bottled it all up for too long. I just wish I hadn't been so stupid. I could've, no, I should've told someone else. Then this wouldn't have happened. I would've still been alive and these tapes would have never been made."

The teenagers constantly made jokes about killing themselves, harming themselves and being depressed. Will just pushed them aside and laughed along with everyone else. It was hard. But he had to do it, so they would stick around.

"I had to hide my pain for so long because of you. I had to listen to you all make jokes about something I was struggling with. I have dealt with it for too long. And I hope you see how much pain you caused me, Dustin. Because it's a hell of a lot."

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