|| 𝐓𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝟒, 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐁 ||

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𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

"Why was it so funny? The prank you played on me wasn't funny, Bill."

Will found a note in his locker. He opened it up, reading over the ink.

'Meet me in the bathroom at lunch... Zombie Boy.' Will shakes his head, looking around the halls to see if anyone was suspicious. Someone knew, how did they find out? They can't have found out.

"So I met you in the bathroom. Only for you to be with Troy, James, Dustin and Eddie. I was freaking out. I was terrified. I didn't want to face Troy, not anymore. I couldn't."

"William, Dustin here has told us everything. Wanna explain?" He looks between them all, heading for the door. But James and Dustin grab him.

"We also hear-heard you were jea-jealous of Eddie get-getting all the atten-attention." Will shakes his head.

"So you write a note, to BREAK my ARM?!"

Bill grabs Will's arm, pushing it the opposite way it should go. A loud crack breaks into the air. And ear piercing scream following it.

"Let's see you get all the attention now, Will. It's not nice having a broken arm." Eddie speaks, Will looks at him, still screaming. His whines emitting into the air.

"Let's just leave guys, he's being a fucking baby." Dustin speaks up. Troy looks at Will.

"One more thing." He stamps on Will's ankle, the boy falling to the floor, cries and screams being heard again.

"He won't be able to move now, so. Enjoy getting help Byers." Troy walks out, then James, then Dustin. Eddie just stares at Will, as Bill laughs.

"Thanks Bill, you're the best." Eddie leaves. Bill looks at him, shaking his head.

"Don't me-mess with my fr-friends again." Bill walks out, leaving a crying Will on the floor.

"Is it so hard to just leave someone be? I wasn't even jealous of him, I just didn't understand why no one cared for me. I didn't want a broken arm, or ankle. But that's what I get."

Will tries to get up, but his ankle wouldn't let him. He really just hopes someone would walk in and help him.

"People did walk in, they didn't help the crying boy on the floor. Who was in physical pain and agony. And I know it's because everyone knows who I am."

Stanley walks into the bathroom, gasping at the sight of Will. His arm not in the right direction. His ankle bruised and swollen.

"What the fuck happened?" Will looks up, eyes wide. He couldn't tell him. He shakes his head, looking at his arm. He grimaces, pain shocking his whole body.


"I couldn't tell him. He would be devasted to know Bill, Dustin and Eddie were apart of it. No one ever knew who did it... until now of course."

Stanley gently lifts Will up, leading him to the nurses office.

Soon, Will was in hospital, Stanley by his side.

"I guess it bought me and Stan back together though. But it was still unfair and cruel to do that to a person."

"I actually wanted to speak to you." Will slowly looks over at his friend.

"I'm sorry for what I did, I didn't intend for you to get that hurt." Will looks away.

"How would it not hurt? You told everyone I was gay, and in love with my best friend. I'm pretty sure that's gonna hurt a person." Stanley looks down.

"I know, I just. I didn't want it to go the way it did. I just thought, Mike deserved to know. I didn't think our friends would react in that way." Will huffs.

"You knew what would happen. And I don't understand the reason behind it. I didn't know if I had done something to upset you. I tried to recall everything Stan. But nothing came to my head."

"He apologised to me. But the pain I had to deal with after that too. It just seemed like my life was getting worse. Nothing could fix me, I was... gone. My life was falling apart in all of your hands. And you all had all the power, not me."

"You broke your arm and ankle?" Richie exclaims. Worry on his tone and on his face.

"Yeah..." Will looks away from Richie. He had been so confused lately. About everything. He couldn't look Richie in the eyes without feeling something. But he was still in love with Mike. Right? He was confused as to why Bill wanted to break his arm. And confused on why he was still on this earth.

"I didn't even get the attention you guys promised me I would. The only person who signed my cast was Richie. And he told me he loved me on it. I felt loved, but it didn't seem real. So thanks Bill. Thanks a lot."

𝟏𝟑 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐲 || 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now