1. Uchiha Shirai

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Perhaps, one wouldn't care if they died, and they get the second chance in life. Maybe they would want to change it for better.

But not me. I didn't ask to be reborn.


I don't know why, but the world has always been monotone to me. Colourless. Dark. 

I wasn't trained to be a shinobi for long, but i've watched people die. And whenever that happens, there was as if a voice muttering to me, 'Again?' The feeling that a similar situation had happened before this.. but i can't point it out.

I wonder. Why people dying is something i feel like i've watched often. I'm just four, and i never really leave the compound. But people considers me intelligent, a genius. Much like my older brother. Except that i might not be as bright as him. I think like adult, or so what people says. People were scared of approaching me. Maybe because i don't feel like befriending anyone. 

My older brother had approached me differently everytime. He's always the one to talk to me first, but unlike anyone else, it's always comfortable with him.

"Shirai, today you'll learn how to control chakra." 

'Chakra' Ironically, i almost ridiculed him for mentioning that word. I wonder why though? 

"We're the Uchiha, it's normal to learn this jutsu."

'Uchiha' Again, that uncomfortable and strange feeling. But as always, i shrugged it off and pretend it was nothing.

I wasn't close with anyone but my older brother, Madara. He was the only one i'm open to. I thought he would be the only person, but another miracle happened.


When Izuna was born, i could see the world in a better view. I felt responsible, my duty to teach him and protect him, like Madara would do for me.

My monotonous life started to fade slowly, as Madara and Izuna continues to bring me warmth. We trained together, explore the forest and learn our lessons. 

I was happy. 

It wasn't until a few months after that, that i realised i wasn't originally from this world.

For three weeks, i would isolate myself and stayed in my room. I couldn't accept the fact that i've been reborn, reincarnate or whatever you call it. Maybe the shock of dying, i let depression took me over. The answers to my questions before, was this. The memories from the past lives didn't come in vividly, but the feelings lingered and the events in the anime Naruto came like a gust of wind.

Thought filled my mind, the memories were jumbled and i couldn't tell who i was. 

'Am i Shirai? or am I-'

'Is that my mother?'

'Why is there a pool of blood?'

'Did i die?'


My family was worried, but i reassured them i was okay. Not entirely but enough to go training again like a shinobi would. I even refused to see any physician or taking medication. They wouldn't understand. At worst, they would say i'm insane.

What a bizarre thing to get into a world full of fictitious informations. Chakra, Uchiha, Jutsu. What in the hell did i get myself into?

Now the sky seems fake, the ground seems artificial, what if this body is a doll? A puppet? Am i in a book? In a manga perhaps, the one i've been reading everytime i went back from school. 

My train of ridiculous thoughts was interrupted when Izuna came to me, asking me to teach him some Fuinjutsu. I wonder if he was in the right mind to ask a child for this?

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