Chapter 5

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"Mania." I say and she shoots her head upwards and sees me. I open her stall and she walks forward quickly and wraps her neck the best she can over my shoulders. I stroke her hair and hold her for a minute.
"I brought you an apple." I say and pull away from her and hand it to her. She gladly accepts the treat. "I'm going to Lothlorien, will you be okay to take me there?" I ask knowing she can't answer me but I tried.

"She should be all fine to go Lanae." I hear Oron say behind me. "She completely healed."

"Come one Lanae, you will make me late." Arwen walks quickly into the stables, her readied horse handed to her. I nod and place Mania's saddle on quickly.

"Let's get going Mania." I say as I follow behind Arwen. "Thank you Oron! I owe you!" I quickly say and I hear him chuckle as Mania runs out of the stable, surprising me more than anything. Arwen and I ride away from our home. Taking the same direction I watched Legolas take the last time I saw him. My heart aches and my eyes burn. I blink them away quickly. I must forget him for both our sakes.

I follow Arwen as we take certain paths, she has been around longer than me and I know she used to explore these areas much more than I have been able to. I envy her for that, my father always protected me ever since my mother suffered her own fate. This will take us at least two days on horseback but it's better than running.

Legolas POV

"Stay close little Hobbits." I hear Gimli say behind me and Aragorn. "They say there is an elf witch that lives in these forests."

I ignore him, knowing he is wrong about Galadriel. I know she is Lanae's aunt they even look similar. Just thinking of Lanae pushes me through this quest and makes me want to be with her even more. I wish I could go back to that night and just say everything my heart wants me to say but I know it is too soon, what if I am the only one who feels such way?

Soon we are surrounded by arrows pointing towards us. Some even almost touching my face. I raise my bow and looking to see the hobbits, making sure they are okay still. I wouldn't want to go against my own kin but I swore to protect those hobbits.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could've shot him in the dark." The captain guard tells Aragorn, Gimli groans in defeat. We all set our bows down.

"Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil." He says in our elvish tounge gestures to his heart then to me.

"Our fellowship stands in your debt." I reply back in the same language. I mean it, a nights rest without worry of Uruk Kai is what the fellowship need. He acknowledges Aragorn "Aragorn of dunedain. You are known to us." He says to Aragorn. Aragorn bows and replies back.

"So much for the courtesy of the Elves. Speaks words we can all understand." Gimli says angrily as he stared forward.

The captain turns to face him, "Well we have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days." He calmly replies.

"Well you know what this dwarf says to that?" Gimli pauses. "I spit on your grave." He says in elvish, surprising me with it. Aragorn turns and hits his shoulder.

"That was not so courteous." Aragon says to him.

"You being great evil with you." The captain says to Frodo "You can't go no further."

Aragorn starts to attempt to convince the captain to let us through to Lady Galadriel. I stand watching the hobbits, feeling pity for Frodo for having to deal with such a heavy burden

"You will follow me." He says almost reluctantly but shows us the way in to the kingdom regardless.

Once we arrive to meet the wise Galadriel near their throne I look around admiring the shimmering blue of the palace.

Galadriel and Celeborn appear up the stairs and start walking down to us gracefully hand in hand.

"The enemy know you have entered here, what hope you had in secrecy is now gone." Celeborn says and Aragorn looks as though he knew that all ready.
"Eight that are here yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." Celeborn asks.

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen to shadow." Galadriel stares ahead wide eyed. I look at her.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." I answer their questions.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life, we do not yet know his full purpose." She says to me. "Do not let the great emptiness of kata doom fill your heart Gimli son of Gloin. For the world has grown full of peril. And in all lands live is now mingled with grief."

"What now happens with this fellowship, without Gandalf hope is lost." Celeborn says.

"This quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you're weary for sorrow and much toil." She says to us.

I change into the set of clothes they had for me and got cleaned up for it was much needed.

I head back to the fellowship, hearing the songs the Elves here were singing to Gandalf. "A lament to Gandalf." I stop and listen.

"What do they say about him?" Pippin asks me. I look down, filled with sorrow,

"I have not the heart to tell you." I look to the small hobbit to my side, "For me the grief is still too near."

Lanae POV

We finally arrive, we don't tend to get tired but Arwen and I rode with no stop, not even for water. Pass through and hop off our horses near the entrance of the palace.

"Welcome Arwen and Lanae daughters of Elrond." I hear the captain of the guard welcome us as I pet Mania, I am sure she is very worn out after our travels. A guard grabs the reins of Mania and bows his head to me. I turn around and enter the palace right behind my sister. She was silent majority of the time, I know seeing Galadriel with such haste was more than just a family visit or politics.

We rushed inside and reach the main platform and saw Galadriel reach us quickly too. I hated not knowing anything.

"You have arrived, and I'm happy to see you here." She says to us and hugs us in a small group hug manner.

"It has been a while, forgive me I haven't really been out of Rivendell in a while." I say to her and she smiles gently to me.

"You have to help us." Arwen quickly steps in. Galadriel is quiet for a moment looking into Arwens' mind surely.

"My dear, the time of the Elves in middle earth is over. This world will perish into darkness. Gandalf is no longer accompanying the fellowship for he has fallen into shadow." She says to us. My heart sinks, it couldn't be...

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