Chapter 3: Gitme Kal (Do Not Go, Stay)

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At the end of Chapter 2:  (Can's POV)  I forced my hands to unclench from their tight hold on the steering wheel. "She should marry him. They deserve each other." I tried to sound like I didn't care. But the jealousy I felt and the vicious pain in my chest was calling me a damn liar.


Sanem's POV:

He is wearing my scarf wrapped around his wrist. I wish I had never walked into the library tonight and noticed that. Now I am unable to stop thinking about the fact that he not only took and kept the scarf but he has been wearing it. Seeing that flash of pink on such a masculine creature appealed to something primal within me. I knew for sure now that he definitely did not know it was me on the balcony. But obviously he had not forgotten our passionate kiss. This knowledge softened me, making me ignore all the vows I had made to avoid him completely.

Earlier tonight after that horrid dinner, I could not sleep for thinking of him and decided to go down to the library to find a book to read. It was like I had conjured him up because I opened the door and there he was. He had removed his jacket and underneath wore a grey shirt that molded lovingly to all of his muscles. He was sitting in a chair totally immersed in a book, and I thought that no man had ever looked more unbelievably handsome and gorgeous.

After seeing him there, I am not at all sure what happened. But for some reason, I simply could not just watch him walk away. So, I kept stalling him with words I cannot even remember. Before I realized what was happening, he was in my space with his big, strong body towering over me. His hands gently caressed my face and that strange chemistry that flowed between us before was positively nuclear now. I felt my body automatically respond to his nearness in a way that shocked me, terrified me, and excited me, all at the same time. Then I turned and ran out of the room. Away from him. Again!

Safe in my room, I studied the mural covering the wall in front of my bed. For years, I had been having a recurring dream of an albatross in flight. I liked the idea of this free, soaring creature so much that I decided to have this mural painted in my bedroom. It always soothed something in me to look at it, but tonight the albatross reminded me of him. Beautiful, bewitching, majestic, unstoppable. I fell into a restless sleep and I dreamed a beautiful, magical dream.

We sat outside on the grass facing each other. Both of us were wearing white, so crisp and bright against the sea of deep green we were sitting on.

"You're so beautiful. I can't dare touch you," I said to him.

"Why did you run away from me?" he asked, whispering softly into my ear.

My lids fell closed. "Because I don't want you," I said.

"Why?" he asked as his beautiful lips hovered over mine.

"I don't love you. Why don't you understand?" I lied.

"I don't believe you. The way you look at me. The way you touch me. I don't believe you."

He caressed my bottom lip with his thumb and I licked it with the tip of my tongue. He groaned and buried his face in my neck.

"You don't know me," I uttered.

"What don't I know? Tell me." His lips ghosted lovingly over my cheeks, nose, eyelids.

I released a shivery breath. "I don't want to talk. I want you to go." I said in his ear.

He looked at me with his heart in his eyes. "I don't think I can stay away from you."

I was helpless against his raw honesty. Twining my arms around his neck, I brought his lips down on mine. The kiss lit a small flame turning it instantaneously into an inferno. He lowered my body gently but urgently onto the ground. I sucked his lower lip and lightly bit down on it. He moaned helplessly, his hands digging into the grass beside my head, carefully keeping his weight off of me. I wanted him. I wanted to feel his strong body flexing and working over mine more than I wanted my next breath. I shifted restlessly under him making sounds I'd never made before while he kissed my neck and ran his lips down to my cleavage. I loosened his hair and buried my hands in the thick strands.

Can Yaman International Presents:  Aşk ve Gurur~ Love and PrideWhere stories live. Discover now