Chapter 4: Sana Geldim ("I Came to You")

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At the end of Chapter 3:  (Sanem's POV)  I picked up my things and then looked at him. Vulnerability shone through in the expression in his eyes. He was putting himself out there, and if I told him to go, he wouldn't be showing that side of himself to me again. I locked my rioting feelings into the vault where I'd been locking them away for most of my life. "Go," I said unfeelingly. I watched the emotion in his eyes extinguish like a candle that is blown out. He walked away without looking back


Sanem's POV:

Several days later, when I walked into Leyla's favorite coffee house to meet with her, in walks none other than the man who currently stars in all my dreams. He doesn't see me but walks directly over to the counter to place an order. A few minutes later, a woman walks in right behind him. They greet each other and I quietly lose my mind.

Aylin. They collect their order and stroll right past where I'm standing as still as a statue. Aylin looked at me in astonishment then quickly corrected herself, offering a greeting and a fake smile. Can nods slightly before they continue out of the door.

I plopped onto a seat and try to control my breathing. She was back. This is not good.


The launch party for the new line of creams is underway and I am miserable. Can was here looking devastating in a black suit, charming the pants off everyone. He hadn't glanced my way once after giving me a dry greeting when he arrived. Even then, he looked over my shoulder, refusing to meet my gaze. What did I expect?

Well, I expected not to feel like my heart was being torn out of my chest every time he smiled that dazzling smile at someone else. I was spending most of my energy avoiding the invisible rope that kept tugging me in whichever direction he was located. As he moved about the room, he seemed to be looking for someone. I was in agony but obviously he had already moved on from whatever this was. I should be making the rounds too. After all, I was supposed to be the hostess of the event. But I neglected all my duties and hung around the bar, sipping wine and feeling sorry for myself. Right here was perfect proof that I was doing the right thing by not encouraging him or myself. In a short period of time, this man had already turned my life upside down.

I heard Leyla laughing at something Emre said, and she literally had heart eyes. Ugh! She was in love with him but I thought he seemed indifferent or maybe not as invested as she was. The report from the investigation I had ordered on Emre was on my desk. I knew I'd have to save Leyla from herself because the situation had heartache written all over it. But right now, I was more concerned with the state of my own heart. Noticing a commotion at one of the tables, I pushed myself away from the bar and headed towards it.

"Handsome strapping boys, the both of them." The booming voice of Can's father rang out for everyone within a fifty-mile radius to hear. "Once my Emre marries his heiress, then that will throw Can into the path of other heiresses."

Good lord! I grimaced and moved far away from that spectacle.

I saw him speaking to some woman I didn't recognize. In response to something he said, she simpered at him like a dimwit. I knew I was being bitchy, but this newly discovered possessive streak in my nature was really hard to control where he was concerned. Like in a dream, I found myself moving towards his group without volition and heard myself ask him to dance. He quickly disguised his shock and politely escorted me to the dance floor, still not meeting my eyes.

When he took my hand in his, I had to bite my lip to keep from sighing in relief. However, he was uncharacteristically quiet. Even when I placed my hand on his shoulders, his eyes did not meet mine. He seemed to be resolved not to speak to me.

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