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As you may know, error was the destroyer of the multiverse. Hated my many, loved by few. He always felt lonely despite always being with his friends. He was forced into destroying by fate, a cruel, sour entity. Error was kind soul, he never wanted to hurt anyone, but they made him. The voices bullying him into doing his terrible job. Fate controlling him so it's favorite child can do as he pleases. He hated it, the pain, the screams, whenever he snapped and slaughtered everyone. But what he feared most, was the hate. Error was actually a very nice and sweet person ever since he found his sanity. He would take care of the orphans in the omega timeline, and take care of his children. Well, they were really the fusions of him and other au's, but error treated them like his own. He also cared for the 'bad sanses'. Error, in fact, is the one of the people that helped the gang find themselves. And basically brought them together as a family.

Despite him being as old as the multiverse, error, if not immortal, would be around 35. (But then again, parents always seem to grow to 35 and then stop aging)

Errors life was nice. Key word being "was". But as time went on, everyone, except nightmare and reaper, left him. It's kinda like when your kids go off to collage and they never come back, or even call you! His friends had moved on and made families of their own, even his kids had. Error felt alone, forgotten. So...if he were to actually leave, then no one would care.


I mean, the multiverse would probably collapse because ink still doesn't understand the balance, but someone else can take his role. Like nightmare! Or one of his(many) children! He could stop, he could leave, he could end. He could end his suffering, the hate, his entire existence! With just one jump...

Error did in fact jump. But would it be as good as he thought? The multiverse crumbles with no balance. Fate is no longer in control.


Hiya! Just wanna say that this book will have slow updates 😅. I'm really busy with...stuff- and won't be able to write a lot.

Btw I'm making nightmare a girl, you don't like it? Not my problem

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