Stupid Werewolf Gene

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My eyes widened. I knew that pain Nik was feeling. Witches loved making us turn against our will. Prolonging it as we struggled against the shift. It was terrifying not being in control whatsoever.
"Kai stop! Calm down. Take a breath and let go. He's my family. Kai, he's my brother. Don't put him through this pain."
When Kai turned to look at me I could see anger in his eyes, but behind them was fear. He was scared. "Did you not see? He lunged at me. He tried to kill me! His fangs were down, eyes glowing, the whole nine yards. If someone tries to kill me, I Kill them. Even if I can't I can't get him near the point of death. People may think I'm psycho, but I am not letting a hybrid vampire wolf thing kill me psycho. I rather like my life right now." I could hear Nik's bones snapping over and over.

"If you let him go Nik won't kill you. You won't kill him, right Niklaus?" Nik was gasping for breath. Sweat beading his face. I felt as if I could feel all the pain he was in through that look. He had anger too. He looked about ready to rip someone's head off, and if I could guess that person was Kai. He tried to say something, but at this long into his turn it came out a growl.
Caroline threw herself at his side. Holding onto him as he fought the turn. "Kai stop it! Please! Stop!" She looked in pain herself. She also looked like she was seconds from ripping Kai's head off. Her gaze found mine and I could feel her pleading with me through it. Telling me I needed to do something. "Kai please. Let my brother go," I whispered it quietly. It was hard for me to beg. Especially to beg someone I felt the twinkling of something for.
Kai gave me a sad smile his head shaking no. It was then, I realized he had pinned us in place. Behind an invisible wall. "I'm sorry Viktoria. I don't... I'm not sure I've ever felt sorrow, but this hurts me. I still value my life though. I wouldn't kill myself to spare your brother. I'm the leader of a coven. A coven I don't care about, but I am linked to. I just can't let him free. He will kill me. I'm kinda psycho, but I'm not crazy like that."
I growled this time towards him.

Normally, I'm not like Nik. That is the truth, but we had one thing in common. When it came to protecting our family no one would stop us. Not even a cute witch who was really powerful.
My growl grew again. I could feel the bond I had with Nik as his agony grew. Whenever he was in agony I began to feel it. It worked in the opposite way as well.
Maybe. Well, just maybe I could use the bond differently. My mother had always said before we turned we should channel that bond. Give each other strength when the other was weak.
Nik and I always thought it was some weird motivational thing to make us feel better when our father was beating us. Maybe, just maybe. Well maybe it could actually work.

I began to pull at the magic Kai had found coursing through my veins. I could do this. I didn't know any spells, but I knew what I wanted and what I wanted was my brother to no longer be in pain. I began to feel weak. It was hard willing something so, I could feel the magic on Nik begin to weaken. Begin to shift towards me.
Suddenly, I was on the floor. I was kneeling in pain. Wowwww. Nik had a wayyyyy higher tolerance to the turn than me. My bones shifted cracking and aching. My wolf side began to emerge and it was angry. And the wolf was coming over me quickly. I growled though it morphed into a howl.
I needed the room to clear. "Kai you need to leave now. I can't fight it like Nik can." My voice was barely human. When I looked to him, he was already gone.
"Bekah, get Care and Damon out of here too. In fact any vampire should leave unless they want to be bitten." Damon for some reason tried to stay putting up a fight. Suicidal maniac. Bekah snapped his neck pulling him along.
My vision began to blur. It was getting harder to hold on. Harder to breathe.

Elijah knelt down beside me. His hand stroked my hair, "You can fight through it sister."

Kol snapped, "She needs real support. Not your better than everyone support."
Then he was beside me I could feel him take my hand as I writhed in agony eyes closed. I couldn't give in. "Now Toria, I am here beside you thinking you will not bit me... or claw out my eyes... or hurt me as a wolf. I don't enjoy it. I like staying in tiptop health."
Someone yanked Kol out of my grasp. I still could barely see when I opened my eyes, I knew they must have been glowing wickedly.
Nik held my face firm. "Viktoria you are weak at this moment. When I enter your mind, do not kick me out." A growl escaped me, but I regained enough control to nod my head. My every breath was painful. I felt Nik enter my mind and my vision went white.

When I opened my eyes we were in a cell. Nik and I stared at four of me. One a vampire scratching at the bars of her cell. Growling and pacing. Angry and rabid.
The second was a witch. Her gaze was calm and she sat in the middle of the floor. Her hair glowing an even brighter gold. She sat cross legged meditating. Almost looking as if she were asleep. Her hair floated around her.

Then, there was a wolf. The wolf was even more violent than the vampire and made dents in the cell walls. Her eyes a bright amber. Mouth dripping blood.

Finally, was a human. She was huddled in the furthest corner of her cell away from everyone. She was weak. Crying. Scared. Couldn't stand up to the vampire or wolf.
Nik turned towards me, "Is that how you see who you were?" His eyes were sad and he walked to the human version of me. She was all bones and wide eyes. A child really. Not even 20. Was that how I had looked when I had no power? When my mother had kept it locked away?
Nik outstretched his hand to the human me and suddenly I was her. I was afraid. So very scared of the wolf lurking next to me, but when I took my twin's hand the fear disappeared. "Oh Viktoria. You were never weak. This is a mask. You are all of these things. You can control all of these things sister."
Everything began to spin. And suddenly the wolf and I were in the same cage, but I was circling the wolf. She flinched as I lunged for her.
When my eyes opened Nik's opened as well. He looked positively exhausted. My bones healed shifting back together. I let out a large breath of air that had been caught within me.
I didn't see as the wolf did any longer. I knew my eyes were back to their blue-green. I ran my tongue over my teeth and my fangs were still out.
"Wait, did it not work? My fangs they're still here."
Elijah's eyes held a bit of a jovial light in them. "I suppose they are sister. Do you feel a bit stiff? On edge?"
"I suppose so." "Your vampire face is still out Viktoria." I closed my eyes relaxing. Imagining that little human closing the door on the vampire.
When my eyes opened everything seemed more at peace. I was still hungry though. Starving in fact. Turning always did take it out of me.

Elijah grabbed me up first, wrapping me in a tight hung. "You stood up for our family today sister."
Kol ripped me from his embrace turning me towards him, "Toria, are we still on for going to the new pub?"
Nik stared at me. Considering me as Kol spoke. I grinned at him before jumping to give him a hug. I wouldn't ever thank him, but I'd remember that he helped me. Kai's spell had certainly made me feel as if I were near death.

When I pulled away, Nik spoke plainly, "Don't do that again Tor. I shall kill you myself if you ever pull a spell that was after me again. I am however little in time it is, older than you." He smiled though a small smile, but still a smile. "Now Kolie, I'd like you to invite Caroline, Damon. Actually even Stefan and BonBon. Damon told me she is back. Filled with new issues. To the brim in fact. I also need you to tell them no hunting each other. No side adventures. I just want everyone to have fun. We deserve it. In fact, invite all of Mystic Falls. I enjoy a good party."

My smile grew, "And since I am in such a mood. Let's have a family game night tomorrow. Yeah?"

Klaus's POV

When my sister left I turned to Kol. He always seemed close to Viktoria. "Does our sister, Tor, seem happy Kol?"
"She seems pretty happy right now. I know she likes to play hero." He shrugged turning to me brow quirked.
It felt nice, knowing my sister had somewhat gotten her first hold on the wolf. Who would've thought I would be teaching someone self control? "That's good. Make sure it stays that way, Kol. I don't like when she is in a sour mood. It makes her less likely to align with family. Understand?"
Though I wouldn't necessarily ever tell Viktoria this. It was true. I loved her, and expected she never would betray me. I suppose that was the benefit of us being twins. She once told me we were first one soul that had been split. In that splitting ties remained so she saw me as an extension of herself. After that day she told me her theory, I semi believed it as well. If I ruled, she would be my coruler. That was how similar I saw her to myself.


2 hours Later

I stood in the middle of my room looking at all the clothing littering the floor around me. I had nothing to wear and there was a certain witch I wanted to make crave me. Feel penance for his actions against our family. No better way then being more than he expected.
"Bekah!" I called. "Bekah!!!" She popped her head in, eyes doing a quick survey of the room, "I see you noticed your clothes are gross."

A scowl fell on my face. How do you tell your baby sister she dresses like a trollop so you wish to borrow her clothes? I mean without offending her, of course. "I suppose for a party my usual clothes don't work well. I don't want to wear any of this. Do you have any clothes?"

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