Chapter Three

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I'm immediately impressed by the large pool outside. People are littered around it and talking animatedly. The music is faint, making it a little more peaceful. I make my way around a group and my eyes are drawn to Dylan who is talking to two other guys near the edge of the pool. Seeing Dylan outside of class is odd. We aren't exactly friends, so I don't want to just walk up to him. Instead I sit down at a small patio table off to the side and pull my phone out.

Scrolling through Twitter keeps me entertained until I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey," Dylan says as he walks up to me, grinning. He's wearing a gray shirt and some black pants with his brown hair pushed back.

"Hi," I say. I'm surprised he even comes up to me.

He makes himself comfortable in a chair next to mine. "Do you often sit at parties alone?"

"Parties aren't my thing, so no."

"There must be a reason for you sitting here alone then."

"My best friend is on a date and I'm here to make sure things don't turn sour," I tell him. I don't usually share my business so easily with someone, especially someone like Dylan, but there's something about him that I trust.

He seems to understand. "A third wheel."

"I am indeed a third wheel," I laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't offer you to join me and my friends," he says.

My eyes widen at the realization. "Host? This is your house?"

"Yes, it is," he smile. "I can't have you sitting here looking like a loner. People will start to think you're bored with my party."

"But I'm not a loner."

"Currently, you are," he shrugs then stands up. "C'mon, I'll introduce you to my friends."

My stomach does a flip flop, but I agree. Why does he want me to hang out with him and his friends? Are they just like him? Or different? We walk to where he had just been and there are now three other guys instead of two.

"Guys," Dylan says to them. "This is Lacey. Lacey, this is Carlos, Reece, and my cousin Anthony."

Carlos has light sandy brown hair and high cheekbones. Reece has dirty blond hair, like Tyler's, and crazy blue eyes. For being cousins, Anthony looks strikingly like Dylan. All of them are intimidatingly hot.

Anthony smiles at Dylan. "I didn't know you have a girlfriend."

I open my mouth to say I'm not his girlfriend, but Dylan speaks up before me. "Not my girlfriend, but we do have English together."

"Dylan has been my trusty partner in class," I say to them.

"I wish I had a pretty girl like you as my partner," Carlos winks at me.

Oh boy. I feel my cheeks warm so I take a deep breath to calm myself. Being around four attractive guys can take a toll on a girl.

"Shut up, Carlos," Dylan tells him. He looks at me. "Ignore them if you want."

"Except for me," Anthony smiles. "Any friend of Dylan's is a friend of mine."

"Lacey was sitting alone so I thought she could hang out with us," Dylan explains.

Reece steps forward and puts his arm around me. "Well, we'll take good care of you."

"I was fine, really," I assure them. I want to check on Casey before she gets too engrossed in the party. I look at Dylan. "I should go check on my friend."

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