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The stars glowed brightly from the sky, already showing so early in the night. Silhouettes against the blood red sky of dusk, stood 2 figures. They looked over a deep spruce forest to the east and south, and a field of snow to the west. Behind them was a castle, strong against the frost-bitten wind.

-"The skies have planned this since the beginning of time..." said the first voice, powerful and strong.

-"Gwen, are you sure it is..."

The woman who had just spoken placed her hand protectively on her already swelling belly.

-"The skies have never been clearer." Replied the aging woman.

It was a strangely clear sky that night.
The two stood there for a moment, basking in the warm but fading light. Then Gwen spoke.

-"When the war has washed out the brave and good, and the darkness has nearly choked out the light, the soulriders will ride again. In the darkest of times, when all seems hopeless, four girls on horseback will rise again, to banish the darkness once more."

A Light in the Dark: The moonWhere stories live. Discover now