on one condition | fillie

395 7 15

ages 15-16

in which finn will stop teasing millie on one condition

millie's pov

his face, his name, even his existence is such a bother. 

finn wolfhard

he's so obnoxious and rude it's terrible! i can't stand him. i feel like he thinks this is all a joke but sometimes i want to actually snap his neck in half. he teases me all the time, especially for my short hair. he makes fun of the things i draw in my sketchbook and he steals my hoodies whenever i take them off. i don't even know how he snatches them so quickly!

his stupid freckled face infuriates me and his obnoxious voice makes my ears bleed. i avoid him at all costs, though he always seems to find a way to spark up a one sided conversation in the hallways. i don't even know how he finds me everyday, his locker isn't even in the same hallway as mine! it's a well known fact throughout Hawkins that finn wolfhard and i do NOT get along. i despise him, yet everyone says he's infatuated with me. 

yes, people say he's in love with me. it was a rumor spread by his best friend, josh ovalle, when we were in our first year of highschool. it's stupid honestly because the universe knows that it's a fact that

i hate finn wolfhard.

finn's pov

i love millie brown.

she's the most ethereal woman to exist. the moment i laid eyes on her in fourth grade i felt my heart grow 5 times bigger. but, all of the boys seemed to find her weird, even my best friend, josh. they hated her wonderful, gorgeous short hair, though i loved it, it framed her face perfectly and sat softly on her shoulders. they thought her sketches were weird, though i thought they were the most creative, beautiful things i've seen, asides from her. they all thought that the fact she smelled like vanilla when all the other girls smelled like flowers was odd, but i thought she smelled absolutely delightful.

her beautiful face radiates the feeling of happiness and her beauty in both the moonlight and sunlight makes me feel all warm inside. her sweet, soothing voice makes me melt every time she scolds me. the way she avoids me when i try to talk to her only eggs me on to pursue her even more. it's also a workout to rush over to her locker's hallway before she gets there, but love makes you do crazy things. it's a well known fact around Hawkins that i would do absolutely anything for millie brown. i love her, yet she actually despises me.

yes, she hates me. she made it very obvious when she punched my friend josh in the face when he told everyone that i love her. thank goodness she thought of it as a rumor, if she knew of my real feelings i'd absolutely melt! that's why i do these small things that i know annoy her, also for the fact that she's adorable when she makes her angry face. i don't hate the fact that i love her, i just hate that even the universe knows that it's a fact that

millie brown hates me.

third person's pov

it was just another day, finn waited for millie by her locker and as she approached and saw his stupid mop of black, curly hair, she scoffed and rolled her eyes, as usual. 

"hello millie billy, how are you today?"

"terrible since i saw you." she said in an annoyed tone as she shoved past him to get to her locker.

finn turned to her with a smirk on his face as he rested his arm on the lockers next to him.

"well mills, i have a proposal for you. i know you hate my teasing, though i'm not sure why if i were you i'd be flattered."

"finn, i'm not sure what you're up to but my answer is n-"

"wait! you haven't even heard what i'm going to say. look, i know you absolutely hate me but i will stop teasing you, pulling your hair, chasing you down the hallways, i'll even stop stealing your hoodies! but on one condition."

she crossed her arms and finally faced him with an annoyed expression on her face.

"and what might that be? that i jump off a cliff? that i bang my head against this locker a dozen times?"

"of course not! my condition is that i stop teasing you and you agree to go on a date with me." he said with a now nervous smile and doubtfulness in his eyes.

"HA! you're joking right? why would i go on a date with someone who despises me?"

"that's the thing, doll. i don't hate you! who could ever hate you?" he whispered in a teasing voice as he cradled her jaw with his hand. 

she slapped his arm away from her face and faced him with bored eyes. 

"look, if i agree to go out with you on this date, will you shut up and leave me alone?"

finn nodded quickly with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"ok! great! well, um i'll pick you up at 7? we can go see that new movie about sherlock holmes' sister if you want?"

"yeah sure whatever just don't steal my hoodie today."

before finn could respond, millie turned away and walked to her first class of the day. finn stared at her with the biggest heart eyes ever as she walked away. with a lovesick smile still on his face, he turned around and walked to his class. instead of actually paying attention to whatever mr. clarke was teaching them, he was already planning out the night with millie. 

sry i'm bored so i updated anyways yall want a part two to this?

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