Chapter 1: Innocence

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One year earlier....

It all started in my hometown Brentwood in early March of 2016. It was my senior year at Brentwood High and there were only two things I was worried about at that point in my life. I wanted the internship in Manhattan and to hear back from all the colleges I applied to. For now, I just had to finish these bullshit classes and spend time with my friends as much as possible before we all go our separate ways. I didn't really have any classes in the morning, so I mostly stayed in before driving to school. I tried to leave quietly and keep my parents from waking up. I was more than ready to leave this town and move somewhere else to leave all this shit behind me; especially when it came to the dysfunctional marriage my parents shared.

By the time I arrived at the school, I was already contemplating leaving. It was just so typical you know? Seeing those people who you haven't talked to since elementary school. The same girls that talk to a new guy every day because their man ain't shit. Even the people you try and hold conversations with just not to be mean, but in reality, you could care less. Thank god for those few friends I keep close to me. I'm the kind of person with a lot of acquaintances, but I honestly prefer to keep my circle small. The fewer people and the less drama equal less irrelevant nonsense. I just tried to get through my day as quickly as I could before track practice. It honestly was one of the things I was most productive in school. Damn, I forgot I promised my friend Yesenia that I would go to her club after school. It was robotics. I wasn't really into that kind of shit but as time went on I began to enjoy it. The best part was a four-day trip to the Javits Center in Manhattan. Being surrounded by all those people made me feel out of place. Mostly because they were the kind of people that either sat alone during lunch or would spend the majority of their time in the computer lab. Yes, I know it is stereotypical but I'm talking about nerds. At least I saw some people I knew, including one of my closest friends, Giovanni. When robotics was over, I ran to practice just in time. I only had a few minutes to get ready. In the locker room, I noticed another girl from the meeting. She was going into the locker room as well. I hadn't noticed her around the school, but my focus was mainly on being on time before the coach yelled at me. While on the track doing our warm-ups, I noticed the girl looking at me in the corner of her eye. Being me, I didn't pay much attention to it. Two hours later couldn't have come any sooner, I needed sleep and food immediately. When I finished changing in the locker room, I briefly saw her bending over to change. I felt like I was being nosy at the time and I couldn't help but look. She turned around and I proceeded to walk away as if I didn't see anything. As I got in my car, I saw my friend Alex. The same girl got in his car and he drove away. It seemed odd to me at the time, but I brushed it off and drove home. Typically, once I get home, I hear arguing. It was something along the lines of "I should've never married you", and "You're a crazy bitch." I just did what I always would do. I showered and went for a walk until dark to avoid them. At 8 pm, I walked back home and saw someone running across the street. Shockingly I saw it was that girl again. It looked like she just left my friend's house after getting some if you know what I mean. She looked embarrassed and scared. I think she was doing the "walk of shame". I continued to walk, but she kept running like she might be late for something. At that moment, I felt sorry for her but felt that she should've been treated better. After I got home, I got in bed and closed my eyes waiting for another day of the same bullshit.

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