Chapter 5: Escalation

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The fourth and final day of the Javits Center trip and I'm surprised to say I had fun. I was actually sad that it was really all over after today. The next day was Monday so I knew after tonight I wasn't going to get that much sleep. Arriving at the station in the morning, my phone starts to buzz like crazy. It was the group chat that some people were in from the trip. Reading the messages, I noticed that the girl asking when the train was leaving. She was going to be late regardless because the train was gonna be here soon. She tried asking if she could come with her mom another way, but the way our person in charge of the trip was, I doubt it. The train arrived, we boarded, arrived in Penn station, and proceeded to walk to the Javits Center. An hour being there, that girl ran in out of nowhere with her mother. I thought it was pathetic at first, but really showed how much she liked being here. Her mother had to talk to the person in charge of us, Ms.Robertson before anything else happened. The bottom line, she got to stay and wasn't even in trouble for it. I was surprised, but in some way, glad she came. I mean it is the last day like why not have your parent go out of their way to take you all the way to Manhattan. That kinda sounded like me being an asshole, but I really wasn't. Few hours went by and our robot was up for another round of the competition. It did great again, climbing the tower and everything, but some people thought we could do better. Already in the afternoon, I sat down next to Giovanni and that girl again. She was in the middle of him and me. Before striking up a conversation, our supervisor got us to get in close with each other to take a picture. Damn how awkward is that, That is what went through my mind. After that, I asked what her name was.


I knew it would take me a while before pronouncing that again.

"T" I responded.

Talking with her, I forgot how it was brought up, but it involved our sexual orientations. I really didn't care what people thought I defined myself as. I knew what that was and that is bisexual. I'm just more emotionally attached to women, not men. Sorry but not sorry. When asking her about people she liked, it got to the point where she mentioned something about a previous girlfriend she had. Shocked at the situation, I literally got up and walked away. Almost near the bathroom, she ran after me and questioned why I left. I didn't want to answer it, but I was just surprised that a girl like her would like girls. She just seemed so innocent and not the type to like girls from my point of view. She looked like she didn't know what I was getting at. At that moment, I tried to leave her be. Suddenly, she took my keys from my pocket. She dangled them in my face and teased me to get them back. I was annoyed trying to get them back, while she was backing away from me. When we came near a wall, I had her cornered. I tried to get them while she had nowhere to go, but her facial expression showed otherwise. It was like she was where she exactly wanted to be. When she was pressed up against that wall, dangling those keys above the trash can, her breathing got heavy when my body got closer to hers. I reacted in a way where I tried to make sense of what was going on. When I backed away from her slowly, she looked at my lips and looked back up at me, biting hers. I was confused looking all around me thinking, "Is this really happening right now!?". When she finally got distracted, I snatched my keys and went to the bathroom confused. Of course, she followed me. In my mind, I had hoped she would. I wanted to test a theory that sparked in my brain. It was just to see if something really might lead to something else. When she paused to take a sip of water at the fountain near the bathroom, I waited for her. She then asked me,

"Do you still need to use the bathroom?"

I nodded no. When we approached another wall secluded from everyone else, I was like fuck it at that moment. I pressed her up against that wall and kissed her. It happened within seconds. She appeared shocked but eager to where this might lead next. I won't even lie that I really wanted more from her. So I did what seemed impulsive. I told her I needed to use the bathroom, but the downstairs one. It was more private considering everyone mostly stayed up here. I went down the escalator and she followed me up until outside the door. I used the bathroom and was confused as to why she didn't stay in there with me. At that moment, I thought that maybe it was just too good to be true. Leaving the bathroom, I saw her with my bag sitting on the stairs towards the lowest level of the entire place. Once she saw me, she smiled and proceeded to walk down those stairs. I'm just going to tell you guys that I was confused and interested in where this might go. I followed her downstairs and noticed that she was literally trying to walk me into an empty hallway. I knew nothing but good could come from this so I was excited. Shit, I wasn't mentally prepared but was still down to experience the what if. And then that's exactly what it was going to be. Some adults emerged out of the hall. Honestly.......God, why would you do this to me? You know that even though this chick annoyed me.... I still wanted to make out with her and more. Please forgive me for my thoughts that almost made me sin. We didn't let that stop us though. I mean we didn't do anything over the top, but just sat in the chairs in the hallway. There wasn't a large number of people around anyway. Once she sat down, I immediately kissed her and she reciprocated the same back to me. After that, I had to ask if she liked me and if she liked me for a while now.

"So I'm guessing you like me?"

"Lol yes, I do".

"And how long have you felt this way?"

" I noticed you a lot around the school and thought you were really cute".

If I hadn't blushed the longest in my life, I'll tell you I did a lot at that moment. Being corny, I told her, "

I like you too".

She smiled and looked away blushing.

I'm not going to lie, it did make my heart flutter a bit inside me. I just knew that before this day was over, I had to ask if she would go out with me. So I worked up the courage to ask her right there and then.

"If it's okay with you, I would like to take you out sometime".

She hesitated at first. I think the thought of me graduating this year made her question it. It could be complicated, but that is something I would try and work through with her. I tried to reassure her that whatever happens, happens. Her response was an immediate yes. From there on, we tried to keep this thing we had going. Going back up to the upper levels with everyone, I sat down and she sat in between my lap. As we were watching the remainder of the competition, I did something that I just simply wanted to try out. Since we didn't get the privacy I had hoped for downstairs, I took matters into my own hands. I put her coat over her lap and was touching her in between her legs. It's no surprise that there was a large amount of sexual tension today. I was not going to let it end in blue balls for either of us. Yes, guys, girls get that too. When I tell you her response caught me off guard, I'll tell you I was shocked as hell from her response to it. She grabbed me close to her mouth and whispered,

"If you don't stop....I'm going to end up leaking all over this seat...".

I let out a silent gasp and looked around to see if people heard the kind of shit she was saying. I just wanted her somewhere private immediately. When we finally had to leave, she and I went to walk back with our own friends. Walking with Gio, I knew I had to tell him what was going on. I didn't tell him the part about the bleachers situation though to avoid that conversation. He basically told me to be careful and that led me to question what he truly meant. Arriving back at Penn Station, the girl and I walked around by ourselves before the train arrived. We passed by musicians and homeless people, but I couldn't help but want her alone again. When we walked around a corner, I kissed her and proceeded to walk as though nothing happened. Yeah, I was still wary about people looking at me in that way when kissing someone of the same gender. We spoke for a while until the conversation escalated out of nowhere. She whispered in my ear,

"I really wish you finished what you started on those bleachers".

I literally didn't expect that but felt the same about it too.

"Maybe we'll have another opportunity sometime soon".

She smiled at me and we continued to walk around.

Time trickled down to when the train arrived and this time I did sit with her. We didn't really talk though because we were both tired from that day. Arriving back in Brentwood, we walked off the train together and she told me to text her when I got home. I smiled and said ok when we left with goodbyes. Getting in my car and arriving home, we texted each other nonstop and it felt like hours. At one point we knew we had to get up early for school so we said goodnight. Laying in bed, I felt different from what I was feeling before. Like I actually was looking forward to tomorrow and what would happen tomorrow. I closed my eyes and waited for what the day would bring me. 

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