Chapter 7: The UnExpected

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Just a few more days until spring break and who knows maybe more sessions with Ayala. It was Good Friday and I thought what could be better than having her come over for some private one on one time. I texted her to come "hang out" with me at my house that morning. She arrived half an hour earlier. As soon as she walked into my bedroom, all I wanted to do was throw her on my bed and have her clutch onto my sheets. Yea you know what I'm talking about. However, that is not at all what happened when she first walked in. She was more interested in looking around, going through my old middle school yearbook, and keeping to herself altogether. When I tried to kiss her, she stopped me seconds after and said,

"I thought we were hanging out?".

There was confusion on my face at first, but then I said,

"Yea, just thought this was something involved too".

She smirked and continued to make herself comfortable on my sheets and watched tv. Another few minutes in, I got on top of her and started making out with her. She let me at first, but replied with the same words,

"I thought we were hanging out".

I was really sexually frustrated but gave in to what she said and let her lay in between my legs. Next thing I know she's playing video games and paying more attention to Call of Duty than touching me. I was really trying not to be a selfish person, but I didn't have sex in two years before she came along. That kind of frustration really makes a person want it so bad. Another hour went by and I couldn't take it anymore. I told her to lay down because I wanted to show her something. Once she did, I started to kiss her again and this time, the outcome was different. I mean she still told me to get off, but just to do something else. She told me if I kept doing what I was doing, that my sheets would be soaked. She told me to feel inside her panties and they were drenched from what my fingertips felt. When she looked at me after, she uttered the words,

"See I told you".

All I could do was nod, but that didn't stop me there. When she pulled my hand out, I gently pushed them back in and began to stroke the inside of her. The more aggressive I got, the more she begged for it. I knew I had to calm down at a point because my mother would be back from running errands any minute. When I finally stopped, she looked at me like it was the best pleasure she had gotten in awhile. Satisfaction showed on my face, but I knew she wanted it to be more casual that day from her facial expression.

"I apologize if I had overstepped"

Thinking she would be mad, but instead, she didn't mind it at all.

"No, it's okay".

When I tried to make up for it by playing her video games, her phone buzzed. It was her mom telling her to come home right now. I was not only irritated but felt I could've turned things around at that moment. I led her to the door, told her goodbye, and returned to my room. Damn, I really thought today was going to be more than what just happened. I should've known better than to think that of her. I also didn't know if I could ever be close like that to her again. Then I thought to myself, maybe someone else could keep me company right now. I decided to call Gigi and she arrived an hour later. Her energy was something I missed when we weren't close friends before the Albany trip. We picked up where Ayala and I left off, and I meant that by video games, not fooling around with one another. Hours trickled down until dark before her mother came to get her. I had to admit, it was more fun than I was expecting. After she left, I walked by my parents' room just to be stopped by my father. I thought what in the hell could possibly be important right now. He looked as though things had taken a turn for the worst. He eventually told me something I wasn't expecting.

"Grandpa just died".

I was still and I thought this was a joke. No one has died in my family in this generation so far, so just to hear that made me feel weak. I looked as though I was fine to him, but trust me when I tell you I cried my eyes out when I closed my bedroom door. I literally saw him every other weekend whenever we would pass by. Just to know he was gone, made me feel so weak. Leaving my grandmother behind, and knowing the kind of state she was in right now. Not only to have lost her husband but mother as well the month previous to now. The next day, my family planned his wake. I had never seen a dead body before, other than my great grandmother, so I knew I couldn't go. When my family urged me to go, I told them I couldn't bring myself to do that. Instead, they let me stay and cope with it in my own way. When they left, I knew I couldn't be alone so I called Gigi again to keep me company. She arrived within minutes. While we were sitting on my bed, she asked,

"What's wrong".

I think she got the impression from my face almost being filled with tears again. I eventually told her about the passing of my grandfather and she hugged me immediately and said,

"I'm so sorry for your loss".

After the embrace, she looked at me, and out of nowhere kissed me. My heart started to beat faster and faster. Eventually, she pushed me back and got on top of me to make out with me some more. It got intense to the point where we became aggressive with one another, and she laid me down. I had no clue what was about to happen and then she made her way down my waist and asked,

"Can I?"

I hesitated at first, but then nodded with yes. She pulled my pants down, took my underwear off, and slid her tongue inside me. I admit it was pleasing, but it wasn't as exhilarating when Ayala did it. I'm not trying to sound like a dickhead, but it was close to okay. I wasn't going to let her stop, but I also wasn't going to miss an opportunity to have some fun with her. When it slowly came down to night time, more clothes started to fly off. Her bra, my bra, her underwear, and mine as well. Our lips meeting one another's and endless touching of one another's body. At a point, I was like fuck it, I want my head in between her legs. I never gave a girl head before so this would be a first for me. When my head sunk down in between her legs, I tried not to think too much about it and just went for it. So when I did, it wasn't that bad at all. I traced my tongue all across her and slid inside and out. With her responses of nothing but moans, I knew she was having nothing but pleasure from it. When I finally stopped we laid down next to each other smiling. It was like our bond just grew from having that intense moment with each other. I never considered in the back of my mind how Ayala would feel knowing she wouldn't be my first to give oral to. If anything, I felt like her relationship with me at that point in time was turning casual again.

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