Chapter 8: Intimacy Mixed With Regret

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It was spring break and I should be excited right? Well, almost I guess. I had to spend the majority of my break going to track meets and the internship I had downtown. The only upside to that was being with some friends. A bonus was avoiding my father when he had a little bit too much to drink in the morning. Anyway back to it, I had a track meet this morning and I drove to the school to meet up with the team. When we boarded the bus, while the coach was making sure everyone was present, running towards it was Ayala. She looked like she waited the last minute to get here; considering she was out of breath. No surprise when she made eye contact with me and sat next to me too. We finally departed minutes later to the other school, The Jets. Once we got there, we knew it was too early to start anything. The meet wouldn't start for another 2 hours or so. Considering how we were as a team, we decided to play hide and seek in the downstairs locker room. Yea don't judge us, I mean we really had nothing else better to do. When an hour went by, we were hanging around down there, cracking jokes, and avoiding our coach for a few. He wouldn't have liked what was going on at all. When I was hiding in this one part of the locker room, Ayala was trying to hide with me. With the situation that just happened with her and now Gigi, I went to a different hiding spot. I just didn't know how to feel about what I just did within these past few days. 30 minutes went by and the meet was about to finally start. Coming up towards the bleachers, I see Ayala with some girls from the team. I didn't know she hung out with those kinds of people either, but I didn't care. I was just glad she wasn't always with me to avoid people thinking we were together, which we were not. Hours went by and my event was approaching before we went back home. I took my lane in the 4x100 relay as the anchor and waited for that gun to go off. Once it did, I was just waiting for my teammate to creep up behind me, so I could lead us to victory. Here she comes, I got the stick and was gone in seconds. I was in the lead the entire way down to the finish line and we won instantly. Our team cheered and the coach couldn't be more than proud. Looking into the crowd, I saw everyone cheering and saw the biggest smile appear on Ayala's face at me. All of a sudden, a feeling grew inside me and it wasn't something I was expecting. "Fuck, I think I'm starting to really like her now". We packed our stuff and boarded the bus back home. Ayala got really comfortable with me and whispered in my ear,

"Once we get off, let's run to your car".

I was shocked at first, but I nodded yes at the idea. Once we stopped in front of the school, she and I immediately sprinted towards my car. Once we got in, we were gone within seconds towards my house. While parked in the driveway, she told me she wanted to wait a few minutes before going inside. I wasn't going to question it so I let it be. All she could do was look at me and when I made eye contact with her. She did end up looking away smiling at times. She hasn't smiled like that at all around me before. We made conversation for a bit before finally heading inside to my bedroom. When we got settled, she laid down and looked at me while I was sitting up against my wall. I uttered the words,

"What's wrong".

She nodded and replied,

"Nothing", but continued to smile at me.

She eventually got closer and we started to kiss. When I tried to come up for air, she didn't let me. Instead, she got on top of me and pulled me closer and closer. This isn't happening right now. There is no way she would want to do anything with me right now. Some part of me wanted to stop, but my instincts took over. Next thing I know, I'm on top of her. We just kept kissing repeatedly. It got so intense to the point where she asked,

"Is it hot in here?'.

She took her shirt off slowly as she said it. I was speechless and wanted so much more to happen. I literally have wanted this girl since the first time I stuck my hand down her panties. When I took my shirt off, she just looked at me in admiration. I never had anyone look at me like that ever. When I kissed her again and made my way down her stomach, I asked,

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