Youngest of Them All?

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Past. Week Parchment, Bluealle and Cedar arrive.

A scream filled the air as a group of thieves bolted off with a kid and two Pichu. The mother kept screaming in terror. Something swept the men off their feet and grabbed the three victims from their grasps. The mother went quiet as a familiar person landed on the ground and placed the trio down.

"Pergi ke ibu anda. Sekarang!" The kid and Pichus ran over to the mother, who embraced them. The figure huffed as they looked at the duo thieves. "Anda berdua dengan saya. Datang!" They groaned as they followed the person to a boat with police waiting. The officer in front smiled as two others went to grab them.

"Midnight, as if I haven't said it enough, thank you. You should truly get something for your work." The person, Midnight, shook his head.

"No thanks, Mr. Officer. I need not such thing. You go take those to their right place and that will be good. Take care, sir." He then ran off before the officer could say anymore. He sighed as the boy vanished.

"Youngest here and still doing more..."


Midnight huffed as he arrived at the Aqua Resort. A group was waiting for him. Midnight frowned as he went over. A taller male noticed and waved.

"Hey Midnight!" The group turned as the young ranger pushed through.

"I said don't wait for me."

"You do way too much for this sector. Please let us help!"

"No. You get way all time." He huffed as he looked at the group. "Besides there are other islands." He went to dive into the ocean when the taller ranger pulled him back.

"Obviously you weren't listening to the voicemail." Midnight sent a glare at him. "We're getting more rangers." Midnight groaned.

"Well I need not to be here for a bunch of beginnings. I have places to be. They can get introductions of me later. You brats give 'em a warm welcome." The group sighed as he dove into the ocean and vanished into the distance.

"He'll never soften up on us after that moment, will he?" The taller ranger said aloud as a boat came to the harbor.

"We have arrived at the Aqua Resort. Thank you for traveling with us and have a great day."

A group got off at that moment. Most were civilians, which got a small groan from the group of rangers. One caught the eyes of the taller male. She was in a ranger outfit that matched Midnight's. She was looking around as the group went over.

"Parchment?" The girl looked up and nodded.

"That's me." The taller ranger smiled.

"Rand. I'm one of the two Top Rangers here. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Oblivia Sector." The brunette grinned as she looked at the other rangers.

"We don't happen to have a base, do we?" Rand sighed.

"Depends on who you're with. If you hang with me, my house is our closest thing to one. If you hang with the other Top Ranger, then no." Parchment blinked.

"Who's the other Top Ranger?" He sighed as he looked up. A Staraptor raced after a Ferrow in the air passed them. The wind almost slammed the back if they weren't ready for it.

"The guy on the Staraptor. Name is Midnight and he is a whole other story."

The two birds raced passed them as a light flashed. A yelped appeared with a thump following. They turned to see the Staraptor landing and someone jumping down to another. The person on the ground was pulled up and pushed towards the Staraptor with a loud argument. Rand gulped as the Staraptor took off.

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