Castle of the Battlefield.

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Spenser was asleep as the tall man stepped inside. He sighed before touching the green haired boy's head. Spenser's eyes fluttered open as he paused.

"Father?" He smiled at the confusion.

"Yes... I'm here now..." Spenser smiled softly. "You've done well in keeping yourself true."

"Thank you, Father..." The man smiled as he patted Spenser's shoulder.

"Rest up. Soon they'll come to regain you. We'll face them together." Spenser nodded as he closed his eyes.


Marcus silently thanked Ice as he gave him a cup of soup. Wendy hummed as she looked over the operator.

"Are you sure you're ok? You could've taken a lot of damage in that."

Marcus smiled at her. Rednal scanned him for wounds. There weren't any visible ones, which bothered him.

"Marcus... Do you want to get checked just in case? We have a couple healers if you need them."

Marcus paused as he thought about it. Rednal noticed his mouth moving slowly, but words or even sounds were gone. Rednal went over as they tried to figure out what to do.

"Can I try something? It's been bothering me..." Wendy moved as Marcus raised an eyebrow. Rednal sat down beside him and touched his throat. A soft glow came as he murmured the sacred song. As the light faded, Marcus blinked.

"What did-" He stopped at the sound of his voice as it returned.

"You weren't physically damaged, but your vocal cords were magically damaged from holding the shield and the cold. Be careful next time." Marcus nodded before thanking him.

Meanwhile, the VKs were at the table as Ice went over.

"How's the work?" Cedar gulped.

"After what we saw out there, we're trying to see who would be best to send into the castle for the final battle. I can connect with Spenser. While it would be better to send Scarlet, she is at risk of rejoining. I'm the only one who has bonded with Spenser that can get in there and finish this. But if they both attack, I can't take on two people. Especially if I don't know what I'm entirely up against." Dijon paused as he straightened up.

"Let me join you, Cedar." The group stared at him while Crepe panicked.

"Dijon, you can't fight a lord of darkness! He'll tear you apart!" Dijon chuckled.

"Crepe, I'm not powerless. My parents and Glinda made sure to get me the training I needed. I can do this."

"Dijon, no one knows what this guy can pull!"

"Crepe." They turned as Tremaine sat down. Because they were holding the last minor banishment cage for the Dark Lord, she was allowed out of one. It wasn't that bad as she and Ice worked well together in taking care of everyone. "You should give him a chance. While it may not be ideal..." She looked at Dijon. "Your dad is Shan Yu, right." He nodded. "Then you'll have the least struggle. Your father would've been able to gift you strength and skills that'll help you take him down. He's done it once before, so you as his child should have the ability to do the same." Dijon nodded as Crepe frowned.

"You just like going against me."

"Yes and no. I've met his father. While his story is of a villain role, he had the potential to be a Lightwing. Several Villains did. But they lost that chance when they went into the darkness. The only villains that were given a chance were the Ice's parents, but they denied it so that they could stay with their fellow villains. So Dijon has the potential to take him down. I know it." Dijon smiled as Crepe sighed.

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