Out and in the Open

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Camila was pointing the gun directly at Chris. "You did this." She let out a light chuckle. "You did an outstanding job covering up the tracks but, you left evidence."

"Camila, what are you talking about?" Ally asked.

I looked at my brother, for once in my life; I didn't know him. In this moment he was somebody else. He stood there effortlessly, quietly, fearfully.


"Chris did this." Camila lowered her gun. "I didn't think I was going to catch on but, that night when I went over to your parents house. I didn't expect to kiss Lauren and I didn't expect to hear what I heard."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked narrowing my eyes. What the hell was she trying to get at? Saying my little brother arranged this.

"I'm saying Lauren, " Camila smiled at me as she stood in fromt of me, cupping my cheeks. "I know. " She rubbed my face with the pad of her thumbs. "Your parents found out that you liked me from reading your journal, they knew Chris and Ally were together so they asked him to break us up. But, he refused."

"Then he didn't do it." Ally mumbled.

"You're right. He didn't do it." Camila removed her hands from my face."Chris refused to do it but, he knows who did. It's amazing because, she was never there."

"She who?"

Camila backed away from me, not answering my question.

"I'm so confused." Dinah muttered.

"I'm still on the Lauren isn't leaving alive part." Normani sighed.

Alexa, Vero, Lucy, Luis and Austin stood there mumbling things to each other but, I'm sure whatever the said didn't matter. So I didn't mind. They are all fucking idiots if you ask me.

"I never noticed until I saw the pictures. It never added up. Our "plan" wasn't our plan. It was their plan with her pulling the strings and you knew her. Better than you know me or yourself." Camila looked down at the ground

"You don't know shit Camila." Chris scoffed.

Camila shrugged. "Did you ever find out who you  hit in the face the night Austin "died" ?

I shook my head. "You said it yourself. It was fake."

Camila nodded. "I thought so too. Until, she showed up at my house."

Starting to think this bitch is crazy.

"Who is she!" I yelled.

"Taylor, your sister." Camila whispered.

"Plot twist." Dinah gasped.

"You're fucking crazy Camila.  Lauren don't believe her. Taylor is in boarding school. You know that." Chris gritted his teeth.

No, she couldn't have.

"She's in boarding school? Does boarding school exist in your basement?" Camila said confidently.

This isn't right. Taylor is fifteen. She's in London.

Faint clapping brought silence among us. The sound getting louder, closer by the second. "This is great isn't it. I admit it. I did it all. Just like they asked me."


Taylor emerged from behind the trees.

I feel like this is a never ending cycle, who comes up with this shit. Sick minded people I bet. It's the only explanation. Then, again. Nothing here is truly explained.

"You did this?" I asked, watching her brush passed my old friends, closer to Camila and I..

"What can I say." Taylor shrugged.

"All this happened because of you." Camila looked at me. "Taylor strung each one of us along. We were all puppets in her life, her boring life and Chris helped."

"This isn't real." I mumbled.


I'd be lying if I said I was okay, truth is I'm far from it. I'm okay with that, honestly. I don't have to hide from anything well anything but, myself. That's what I'm afraid of.

"Hey, are you okay?" Camila asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired that's all."

"I would be too." She giggled. "Come back to bed alright."

"Yeah, okay."

I gently rubbed my eyes, they burned a little maybe due to the lack of sleep I've gotten over the years.

"It's like, it happened to me you know?" I said. "It just seems so, relatable. How is that? I remember these things yet, they never happened to me."

"You're a great writer Lo, it's only natural to get involved with your screenplay."

Was that it? Was I just overly involved?

"Maybe you're right Camz." I said smiling a bit.

Camila wrapped her arms around my me, nuzzling her head in the crook of my neck."I was the girl next door once." Camila whispered into my ear.

"How did that work for you?" I asked.

"You tell me," Camila kissed cheeked."You were there."

My phone vibrated, I took it out of my pocket. I clicked on my notifications, seeing the message I received.

From : Unknown

You and Camila seem finally happy together.  We'll see how long this last.

It's far from over Lauren. I'll be seeing you.

xxThe Girl Next Door

A/N : This story is finally over! It's been up for like a year. Geez. Catch me at the Southside Music Hall in Dallas, March 4th during the Reflection concert.

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