"YEAH BOYS!" I hear a loud obnoxious british accent scream out. It was currently 12am, at night. My 16 year old neighbour was currently screaming into his microphone in the dead of the night. The night before I was going to take my transfer examination, it was tough enough to get myself to sleep but this just made everything so much worst.
Out of pure fury, I slapped my hand onto the nightstand next to my bed shifting my hand around to find my phone. I turned my phone on as the bright light shone into my eyes. Probably not a good idea to use my phone in the dark, but I was too lazy to get up to switch on the lights.
"your royal highness Mr TommyInnit, your neighbours are trying to sleep. please for the love of god LOWER YOUR VOLUME🙄🙄✋✋"
"It's FUNNY just use some earplugs or something"
Just as I was about to reply that I didn't have any earplugs, I got a knock on my window. I pushed away my curtains and opened my window to see him reaching his hand out with earplugs in them. I took them and quickly shut my window and curtains as he put his headset back on to go back to streaming.
His set up was facing the other window in his room. So whenever he looked to his right, he could see into my room. Which was the entire reason why I asked for curtains in my room.
I plugged the earplugs into my ears and slowly drifted back into my deep sleep.
What felt like a few seconds later, my alarm started ringing incessantly. I groaned as I took off my warm blanket. It was a big day for me, I was taking a transfer examination for a school nearby.
Long story short, I was originally from one of the best schools in the area. However, the school had to close down after its many cheating allegations.
It was kind of a rich kid's school, so it wasn't surprising to me. Some of the people I knew from there literally had the IQ of a goldfish.
I had a short day today, I just needed to go to the school to get the examination done and then go home to relax. It shouldn't be a problem, seeing as though I was part of the top 10 students in our area.
I got an outfit ready and went down to have breakfast. Most times, I wouldn't even see my parents for weeks in a row. So I wasn't too taken aback that they weren't there in the morning.
Even a 'good luck' text would've made my day better but I guess they didn't have time to think about that.
I walked into the school looking at the school map on my phone. This school was much smaller compared to what I was used to. It didn't take me long to find the classroom I was using as the examination room.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice called out to me. I looked up from my phone to see a familiar face. It was one of my classmates from my old school. Next to her was two other guys also from our previous school. It made sense to see them here since everyone had to disperse after the school shut down.
I sat near to the trio as we waited for the invigilator to finally come to give us our papers. We all pulled up articles about our school as we talked about who we thought were involved in the case. It was a weird thing to bond over, but it helped us kill time.
After what seemed like an eternity, we were done with the whole transfer examination process. It was surprisingly easy, but maybe it's because we were used to doing harder papers.
We all walked out of the room knowing that we were definitely going to pass the transfer examination.
"That was so easy, do you think they were just trying to give us an easy way in?" The tallest boy out of all of us, Oliver said.
"Probably, the school is so small they most likely only have a few students here," the other boy, Jacob, answered. Isabella, the other girl, and I both nodded in response.
Being so immersed in our conversation, I didn't see where I was going. I bumped into a person but quickly apologised and walked away to catch up with the group.
"Y/N?" I heard someone say.
756 words

lovely neighbour | tommyinnit
Romance"I'd jump in the cadillac with you," I jokingly said. "Oh shove off," he replied as he turned away to hide his smile. u should just read the story u can click off if u happen to not like it ;)