Chapter 5: The Hedgehog from Hell

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After the battle with Cell, the group went into a building to have a small break but were unaware of the demons watching them from the shadows.

Sonic.exe: ... 

Smesh.exe: When is the time to strike, master?

Sonic.exe: Soon... Patience. 

Infinite: *Walks in* 

Cristina: Infinite, any signs of Smesh?

Infinite: No, sorry... I've looked everywhere, yet no traces of him.

Cristina: Dang it... :(

Jacqueline: Don't worry, sis. We'll find him.

Comet: *Hugs Cristina* He's gotta be around here somewhere, Aunt Cristina. Although it's just weird he'd... Disappear like that.

Luna: Hmm... *Her ears perk up*

Crystal: Huh? What is it, Luna?

Luna: ...I sense something... Demonic.

Jacqueline: Huh?

Luna: ...Behind us.

Comet: Eh?

Crystal: Behind us-

Sonic.exe: NOW!

Smesh.exe flew at the canine couple and grabbed them, then instantly disappeared with the two.

Cristina: HEY!

Comet: Mom! Dad! D:

Sonic.exe: Now that those two are in my hellish dimension, that gives me the chance to turn them into my demonic puppets, just like I've done with Smesh!

Jacqueline: Grrr... Alright, rat! Time to kill you!

Sonic.exe: *Kefka laugh* That Shadownova person is quite the interesting individual... Even though I disagree with his New Era, the idea of getting my own universe where I can torture, kill, and slaughter innocents for eternity is beautiful... But first, you must all die!

Cristina: Not happening, ya diseased rodent!

Luna: Grrr...

Sonic.exe: Now... Time to kill you all!

A Grand Star went through the wall and smashed into Sonic.exe's face, launching him out of the building.

Sonic.exe: GAH!

Luna: Huh?

Turco: Alright, Sonic.exe! Today is the day you pay for what you did all those years ago!

Sonic.exe: Ngh... Wait a minute... I recognize you.

Turco: No one attempts to harm my family and walk away without punishment!

Sonic.exe: Yes, it is you... The Star God himself. I remember what happened...

Turco: I defeated you back then. I will do it again now, but this time, I will finish the job.

Sonic.exe: Good luck with that, Star God. Things are different now... And this time, I'm turning your daughter into one of my puppets. Heh, I might even give your son the same treatment.

Turco: Not while I'm around.

Jen: Grrr...

Sonic.exe: But first... I must do something. You can have fun with Smesh.exe, and... 

The sky was suddenly coated in darkness, overshadowing everything on the ground.

Turco: AH!

Percy: Whoa!

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