kai x fem!reader - fluffy love

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Kai and I sat on top of the hood of my mum's car. She'd probably kill us for mistreating her precious grey Audi, however I didn't care. Kai hardly got time to see me between training and top-secret ninja missions, and we'd been together for nearly a year. How long had it been, now? Ten months?
I felt something warm spread from my chest to the very tips of my toes at that thought. Ten months with the red ninja - Master of Fire, one of the saviours of Ninjago. How the hell I got so lucky, I will never know. And to think, this all started because I set the kitchen on fire and he just so happened to be walking by the street outside. Sure, he gave away exactly who he was by sucking the fire right into the palms of his hands, but oh well. He didn't scare me away, at least.

There was a calm silence between us as we watched the stars, his fingers gently running over the tips of my own as a chirpy, happy pop instrumental began playing from the Bluetooth speaker I'd stolen from my brother. It wasn't too loud - as deserted as the desert (ha, puns) outside the city was at night, I didn't want to wake anybody up. Kai had an unstable enough reputation; antisocial behaviour would only worsen that.
I decided to stop my train of thought by speaking. "The moon is high," I commented, immediately wanting to hit myself for such a stupid remark. I glanced over at Kai, who was already looking at me with wide amber eyes, mouth parted in an amused grin.
"Like your friends were the night that we first met," he remarked, and I felt my face flush. I was trying to cook my friends some dinner, as, yes, they had had access to some pretty illegal substances and none of them had eaten. Thankfully, dear old mummy hadn't been home. Else I would've been grounded and never allowed to speak to them again.
"Went home and tried to stalk you on the Internet," Kai continued. He looked away silently as I watched a pink blush cross his cheeks. Laughing, I punched him playfully in the arm. Any other girl might have found that creepy, but I thought it was cute. He wanted to know more about me. Maybe...maybe he even wanted to see me again before he even knew my name?
"And now look at me," he scoffed. "I've read all of the books beside your bed."

Back at home, my entire room was covered top to bottom in books of all kinds. Fiction, non-fiction, encyclopaedias, dictionaries of different languages, sci-fi, all sorts. My favourites I piled on the dresser beside my bed. There were three or four of them, including books from the Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson and Eragon series. All fantasy, but I loved fantasy. Maybe that's why I liked Kai so much.
God, ten months in and I still couldn't admit that I loved Kai. But I guess in my defence, Kai hadn't said anything either.

"My drink's gone cold," Kai announced out of nowhere, shaking me out of my thoughts. He shook his takeaway coffee cup at me, and I laughed. "Hey, like the shoulder that I gave you in the street," I joked, nudging his shoulder with my own. Sparks flew down my arm from the point of contact, and from the giddy smile on Kai's face, I knew he'd felt it too.
"Haha, yeah. All because you were one of my biggest fans and too starstruck to accept I'd saved your house from burning down," Kai joked back, and I stubbornly crossed my arms, staring him down fiercely with my e/c eyes. Kai kept his smile and gaze steady, never wavering.
Finally, I melted back onto the car window, exhaling loudly. "Cat and mouse for a month - or two."
"Or three." I shot Kai a glare at his addition, but my heart melted as I watched my boyfriend explode into light-hearted laughter as he laid down beside me.
"You're so easy to wind up, Y/n."
"Shut up, Sparky."
"Sparky? That's new."
"It'll become permanent if you don't shut up."

Silence reigned between us again. I liked nights like these with Kai. He was my home - my safe place, my happy place, my person. We could go from chatting away happily to sitting in silence and it wouldn't be awkward or embarrassing for either of us.
"Funny to think that now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe," I murmured so quietly it was next to a whisper. I heard a rustle from beside me as Kai moved one of his arms from behind his head and snaked it down next to me, his fingers interlocking with mine.
"Sleeping next to you reminds me that what I'm doing - saving the world, I mean - is worth it. I'm keeping you safe, I'm keeping everyone safe. Thanks to me and the others, me and you get to have moments like that." My heart ached for him. It was about three a.m., and Kai had got back from his mission an hour and a half ago. Yet he still made time to come see me.

I propped myself up on my elbow, keeping our hands pressed closely together as he curiously turned his head towards me, scarred eyebrow raised. I said nothing, just stared at his face. A smirk crept onto his face as his eyes flicked down to my lips.
"Kiss me once cause you know I had a long night," he requested. My jaw dropped open. Yeah, we'd been together for a while, I should be used to Kai being so forward - but I thought him being so tired might make him a Debbie Downer. Apparently not.
He propped himself up on his elbow too now, face inches away from mine. "Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright - or three times, because you know I've waited all night."
I laughed, my face flushing a beetroot red. What was this boy doing to me?

I lightly pressed a peck to each of his cheeks, watching as the smile that was reserved only for me crossed Kai's face. I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to his for the first time that night. Warmth spilled through my body despite the breezy autumn night. Kai removed his hand from mine, lightly wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer. I broke the kiss with a giggle, and his smile was wider than I've ever seen it.
"Nothing. I just..." I paused, still smiling. In the magic of the moment, I decided it was worth it. I decided that if fire powers wasn't enough to scare me away, then admitting my feelings wasn't enough to scare him away.
"I think I love you."

Kai's smile disappeared. Mine did too and I pulled my head away from him. "I'm sorry. Oh my god, I've ruined everything. I'm so sorry-"
"You think?"
A small, shit-eating grin appeared on the brown-haired boy's face just as quickly as his happy smile had disappeared.
"I said, you think you love me or you love me?"
Huffing and blinking back tears, I hit Kai in the chest with a balled-up fist. "I love you, idiot."
Kai pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, sending another blooming warmth through me. "I love you too, dingbutt."
Hearing those words set something off in me. We were only teenagers. I shouldn't be thinking about this. Looking back on it, I blame my inability to handle situations correctly.

"I like shiny things but I would marry you with a paper ring," I blurted out. Kai jerked back, absolute surprise on his face.
"Uh huh?" he prompted, still looking completely shocked. I couldn't blame him - I felt sick to my stomach with how confident and forward I'd just been. He's rubbing off on me.
"That's right." I confirmed, gulping back my vomit. Don't be sick don't be sick don'tbesick-
"You're the one that I want," Kai replied quietly, pressing his forehead against mine. The lump in my throat disappeared.

"I'm sorry if that was too forward," I finally managed after a few seconds of silence. Kai chuckled hoarsely.
"I guess that's a taste of my own medicine."
"You deserve it, asshole."
Silence again. Until finally-
"It was forward," Kai began slowly. "But I don't think it's impossible, ember." My heart leapt.
Kai didn't like pet names, but one day a few months ago when I had gotten a bit wrapped up in some villain they were fighting (me, a hostage - can you believe it?!) Kai had all but lost his control of his powers. Master Wu had made a joke, calling me the embers that keep Kai's fire burning steadily. Ever since, Kai had called me 'ember'. He clearly agreed with the old man.
I snuggled into him as we cuddled up, getting ready for the sun to rise in about half an hour.

"Maybe someday," he hummed, allowing me to feel the vibrations in his chest.
"You're the one that I want," I replied quietly, eyes dropping as I very slowly began to drift off to sleep.


=Paper Rings by Taylor Swift=

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