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Noahs POV:

An hour later, i was walking home in the snowy day until i hear something.

Noah: "Hm?"

Across from me i see ava walking in the snow, shivering.

Across from me i see ava walking in the snow, shivering

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Noah: "Hi Ava!"

She turns to me with her eyes wide.

Ava: "Oh, hello noah! i thought you were going home?"

Noah: "I am, but this is a shortcut to my house..but where do you live?"

Ava: "I live in a den..but its a bit far from here.''

Suddenly, she sneezes.

Ava: "Ah..AH.. ACHOO!!"

Noah: "Oh no, are you sick?"

Ava: "Of course not..i rarely get sick...ACHOO!"

She blushes a little.

Ava: "..I-its probably j-just a cold...ill be fine..''

Noah: "Maybe its best if you come to my house for a while..i dont want you walking all alone in the snow.''

She jumps and looks at me with a surprised blushing expression.

Ava: "W-W-WHA!? I-i mean..i...well..i...are you sure?"

Noah: "Mmhm! Of course! plus, you need like...a scarf or something.''

She turns away, with red blush hiding most of her face.

Ava: "Well..alright then, thank you.''

Noah: "No problem! you DID save me that time, so its only fair that i repay you.''

Ava: "Aha..yeah.''

Noah: "Come on, im sure my parents will say yes!" i say happily.

She comes towards me and walks with me.

[Time Skip]

As we reach to the door, i turn to look at ava.

Noah: "Ready?" I ask.

Ava: "Yes..''

Noah: "Great!" i slowly open the door.

 Im suddenly greeted by a big tight hug.

Tom: "NOAH! Good to see you! how was the sleepover?" He asks.

Noah: "It was fun, dad! i had a great time!''

Tom: "Thats good to hear. Come sit with us! we have hot chocolate!"

Noah: "Okay! also, i brought a friend with me..if thats okay?"

Jenny: "Sure! tell them to come in!"

Noah: "Alright! come in, ava!''

She slowly walks in with a slight blush.

Ava: "Um, hi! my name is ava!"

Jenny: "Hello! pleasure to meet you!''

Tom: "Hi! You sure do have alot of friends, noah!" He says as he smiles.

Noah: "Heheh, yeah.'' I say, a bit blushing.

We walk to the sofa to see eev sleeping on it.

We walk to the sofa to see eev sleeping on it

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She begans to wake up.

Eev: "" she opens her eyes and looks around.

Eev: "NOAH! You're back! wait...isnt that the girl that came when the wea-''

Noah: "Yeah! her name is ava, and i think you two would get along!" I say happily.

Ava: ''P-perhaps we would..heheh."

Tom: "Well its nice to meet you! would you like some hot chocolate?"

Ava: "No thanks, i had some earlier but thank you anyway.''

Tom: "Of course!"

We then all sit on the sofa in front of the warm campfire, chatting with eachother.

We then all sit on the sofa in front of the warm campfire, chatting with eachother

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I look to my right to see ava and eev talking together.

Huh, im glad to see them becoming friends.

I turn to the window to see the sky slowly becoming dark as snow continues pouring down.

Noah: "Hmm..''

Eev: "Hey guys, do you wanna play a game upstairs?"

Ava: "Sure!"

Noah: "Okay!"

Jenny: "Have fun you three!"

As the three of us get off the couch, we run upstairs.

12/14/2020 2:11 PM


[The Feeling of Comfort] Male Pikachu Reader x Female EeveelutionsWhere stories live. Discover now