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Noah's POV:

Its already been a couple months past by..

Things couldn't have gotten any better.

Me and the gang started hanging out more, exploring new things, and more.

The snow is no longer here..and spring has already came!

I snap out of my thoughts as a sudden voice calls out to me.

Lyra: "Hey n-noah!" She says.

I turn my head to the left to see lyra by the ocean looking at me.

I turn my head to the left to see lyra by the ocean looking at me

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Lyra: "Thanks f-for coming with wouldn't f-feel the same without you.'' She smiles at me.

Noah: "Of course! i've always wanted to come here! especially with all of my buddies!"

She giggles.

Lyra: "Aww.''

Sarah: "Lyra! Noah! come on! its time for the picture!" she yells, waving at both of us.

Noah: "Oh! come on lyra!" I say as i get up from the sand.

Lyra: "O-okay!"

She gets up from the sand and walks beside me.

We then both walk away from the water to the others.

Noah: "Today is a beautiful day outside..the sun is shining, and the flowers are blooming..''

Lyra: "Indeed! a p-perfect day!"

We then both see jasmine sitting under an umbrella with a fan blowing on her face.

She looks quite worn out.

She looks quite worn out

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Jasmine: "Ugh..w-why is it so hot outside??" She wines.

Noah: "Is something wrong, jasmine?"

She turns to look at me.

Jasmine: "It feels like i'm MELTING!..Well not literally, but the sun out here is so hot!'' She says as she wipes off a sweat off her face.

Lyra: "I mean..i-its not that b-bad..'' she says she smiles a little.

Sarah: "Everyone, come on! we're about to take a picture!" She yells to us.

Surprised, all 3 of us immediately run towards the others.

Noah: "We're here!"

Charloette: "Great! here, stand by me noah~" she says as she pats a ribbon down onto the grass.

I couldn't help but blush a little.

Noah: "Okay!"

Harry: "You guys all ready?" he asks as he steadies up the camera in front of us.

Ava: "Yep!"

Jasmine: "Yeah!"

Charloette: "I am!"

Angelina: "Obviously.''

Sarah: "Mmhm!"

Lyra: "Y-yea!"

Noah: "Ready!"

Elizabeth: "Yes!"

Eev: "Im ready- wait...wheres flamy?" She asks.

Wait...shes right..where is she?

We all look to our left and rights, and flamy is nowhere to be seen.

Noah: "Uh....flamy?" I ask.

I turn around and i observe my surroundings..

Bush...tree..boulder...wall..wait a minute..

Orange poofy fluff pokes out behind a wall as i take a look closer to it.

I sigh.

Noah: "Hold on guys..ill be right back.''

Elizabeth: "Okay! be quick!"

I walk away from them to get closer to the wall.

Soon enough, flamy slowly walks out behind the wall as she sees me.

Soon enough, flamy slowly walks out behind the wall as she sees me

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Flamy: "N-noah?" She asks.

Noah: "Flamy what the heck are you doing here?"

She looks down to the grass and blushes.

Flamy: "I...i..dont like taking pictures...''

Noah: "Oh come on, theres nothing to be afraid of! trust me!"

Flamy: *Sigh* " i have to?"

I stare at her.

Noah: "Well, yeah.''

Flamy: "..ugh..fine.'' She slowly steps out of behind the wall as she walks to me.

Noah: "It'll be fine!"

Flamy: "....I'll take your word for it.''

We both walk together back at the spot.

Angelina: "About time you two showed up!" She says a little angry.

Noah: "Heh, yeah.''

Harry: " is everyone ready?"

All of us: "Ready!"

Harry: "Alright..on three...say..'PokeGang!'"

He focuses the camera on all of us.

Harry: ''One..two...THREE!"

All of us: "POKEGANG!"

All of us: "POKEGANG!"

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12/17/2020 5:22 PM


[The Feeling of Comfort] Male Pikachu Reader x Female EeveelutionsWhere stories live. Discover now