The Start

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// Fair warning I will probs be making this a very sad chapter so be warned.

Third Person | Yu Nishinoya

There was something almost comforting about the humming of the train as it rolled into the station. Noya turned his head back one final time before stepping onto the train. The slight burning sensation in his nose now comforting as he watched the doors close. He told himself over and over that this would be the best for them both. If Tanaka knew, about him... How he really feels. It could... No W O U L D ruin everything.

The soft beeping before the train finally started moving really solidified the fact. He was leaving, no one would know. They couldn't track him. Though as the train began moving a woman.. seemingly a mother looked at Noya. Her eyes filled with that same look Suga would always give him. the soft motherly stare. A mix of pure remorse, guilt, and worry.

"Aren't you young to be traveling by yourself at this hour?" The woman questioned.

"I'm a second year in high school.. leave me alone." Noya snapped back pushing headphones into his ears as he moved away from her. Small talk like that was horrible. There was no reason to tell this woman anything other than that. Yu knew he'd just keep talking so he walked away.

The train ride was long. Stop after stop Noya refused to get off until he reached Tokyo. Pulling his bag over his shoulder and flipping his hood up he started his journey on foot. Though he knew that the darkness of midnight wouldn't allow for him to get much farther. He sighed walking just a bit faster until he found somewhere he could sleep for the night. Sure running away wasn't the best idea. But he didn't care it was the fastest solution with the least amount of risk. Eventually, Noya settled on a simple park bench inside of an alley with vending machines. Using his bag as a pillow, he let himself slowly drift off.

His mind begin flipping through the possible outcomes of the night, would anyone come to look for him? he didn't have his phone anymore so they wouldn't be able to call him. In the back of his mind, he wondered aimlessly if anyone would care enough to go out looking for him. They all have lives outside of him, they play a team sport. Nishinoya felt a tear fall down his cheek as he laid on the bench. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, but it's too late to turn back now.

There was a small bit of chatter as Noya slowly fell asleep, going numb to the feeling of the outside world as his mind finally drifted.

~~The Next Day~~

Bright lights from the morning sun pulled him awake, Nishinoya sat up watching as the streets filled with people. His mind wandering through ideas of what to do, nothing stuck out. So he pulled his bag over his shoulder and started his journey. Walking back where he came from on foot. Though before he set off he tucked the blonde streak of hair back, pulling his hood up.

He started walking following behind businessmen and mothers as the streets filled and emptied.  He didn't know where he was going, he didn't even know how he'd survive. All that he cared about at that moment was maintaining his freedom. Though as he passed stores he could hear a few police men's radios..

"Were looking for a high school boy, 5'2 with a blonde streak in his hair. He came home from school and was not seen since."

Noyas heart dropped, who, who called in. Who reported him missing. He tried his best to seem normal as had continued to walk past the officers. Making it past them with ease. Noya instead of going home turned around and began to slowly jog. He could see Nekoma high school, and quickly changed the route to avoid any contact with their volleyball team.


Third Person| Ryunosuke Tanaka

The club room was quiet... Way to quiet for comfort. Noya didn't walk with him to school that morning so he originally assumed he was actually on time for once in his life. Though seeing the club room only filled with Daichi, Suga, and Kiyoko he panicked. Tanaka let his bag drop alerting his upperclassmen.

"Woah, Tanaka good morning? Where's Noya doesn't he always walk with you?" Daichi asked, standing up from his seat.

"He seemed upset yesterday, did you guys get into a fight?" Suga hummed looking up from his book. These accusations pissed Tanaka off, rightfully so.

"What the hell? No! We weren't fighting, at least from what I remember, " Tanaka grumbled following Daichi's lead to the table. "His mom apparently hasn't seen him since he got home yesterday."

"Couldn't she just call him?" Suga closed his book pushing it into his bag to focus on Tanaka.

"He threw his phone in the trash. So none of you guys have seen him?" Ryu sighed laying his head down on the table.

"If his mom hasn't seen him this is probably not just him skipping school. He would take his phone with him would he not?" Suga turned to Daichi.

"We could call the police to monitor the area, this isn't like him to just disappear..." Kiyoko mumbled. "It's the best shot we have at finding him."

"Tanaka do you want to report him missing, of course, we'd have to talk with Noyas parents first." Daichi softly rubbed his hand over Tanaka's back.

"Fuck I -I don't know I'm not good at making decisions. All I know is he was acting weird yesterday and now he's gone."

"Yep, I'll get in contact with his parents." Sugawara nodded pulling his phone out and calling Noya's mother.

"Hi, this is Yu's mother correct?"
"My name is Sugawara Koushi, I'm one of the Volleyball players on his team. I was calling because your son hasn't shown to school yet"
"His best friend Tanaka, yeah him, he came to us just now considered because of your son having some strange behavior yesterday."
"Mhm.. Yeah."
"We were curious if you think that we should report him missing?"
"Oh, yeah of course thank you so much. I'll have Daichi call in now."

"So, that's a yes?" Daichi held out his phone.

"Yes please call, she's hysterical... Her voice broke when I said he hadn't come to school."Suga took Daichi's place behind Tanaka soft rubbing circles into the male's back.


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