I. The Beginning

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"Listen lady, I've got a doctors appointment in ten minutes. I gotta be there, they charge a $50 fee if you're late."

"Well that's nothing near the fee you'll have to pay to get out of jail if you run out of here before the cops come and I report you, sir." I spoke calmly, running my fingers over the back of my car which had been totally crushed by this man's disinterest in watching the road and paying attention to stop lights. Thankfully I was fine (so was the man griping about appointments), but Big Blue, my car, was not.

"I'm gonna be late and I don't want to have to pay that fee!" He yelled, taking a step closer to me.

"Well perhaps you should try not almost killing people next time!" I finally snapped, raising my voice at him in return and staring straight back challengingly. The sound of sirens blocked out whatever this imbecile was going to say next, and he turned on his heel in a huff and threw his hands in the air muttering something about schedules and how slow the police drive (which is fairly ironic as I read an article online this morning about regulating police car speeds). The trooper stopped right in front of our car and two ambulances followed.

"Ma'am what's your name and date of birth?" A swarm of people surrounded me in a flurry.

"It's Olivia Winters and my birthday is March 17th, 1994."

"Do you have any pain anywhere?"

"My neck got a little jammed I think, but-"

"Which hospital would you like to go to?"

"Hospital? Oh no no no, I have to get to work. Honestly, I'm perfectly fine, I just want to make sure-"

"You're going to the hospital. You can't get out of this one ma'am. We're required to bring you to a hospital. Who is your primary care?"

I sighed and told her which hospital. They quickly ushered me onto a stretcher and strapped me down. "This is ridiculous! I can sit in a chair! I'm fine! Hey, don't-!" I protested, but they slammed the door, leaving me in the back of an ambulance on my way to the hospital. I groaned in frustration. Grace was going to kill me for leaving her alone here.


I finally found myself released from the hospital three hours later, looking like a complete mess. I couldn't go to work looking like this. Just then, my phone rang. I groaned at the name on the screen.


"Olivia! I heard about the wreck, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just had to stop by the hospital for three hours so they could confirm mild whiplash. I'm fine." I said, walking out onto the sidewalk and towards the nearest Starbucks, my heels clicking on the pavement.

"Oh good, I'm so happy you're alright! Anyway, this is kinda annoying since you just like, almost died, but Mr. Penton says you need to come into work. I guess Mr. Sangster is coming a few days early and he'll be here around one thirty."

"Mr. Sangster? His nephew? Today? Oooookay. Well, I'll stop off at home really quick and get my clothes changed and then I'll be there as soon as I can. Tell Will to change the menu to the one we chose for Friday and have housekeeping change the linens and do a full freshening of the presidential. And hey, could you have Carter pick me up at my house at around, say, 12?"

"Maids, meal, chauffeur. Sure thing. See you soon!"

"Thanks, bye." I hung up, reaching the front of the line and ordered a tall iced coffee. I went ahead and called a cab as well. Unfortunately my car had been taken away.

Once I got home, I rushed to the bathroom and began to fix myself. I powdered my nose and added an extra coat of lipstick before doing my previously perfectly curled dark brown hair up in a Gibson tuck. Once finished, I ran to my room and threw on a grey pencil skirt with a hunter green blouse, tucked. I put on a string of pearls, grabbed my heels and rushed to the door as Carter knocked.

"Ready?" My attractive friend said, looking me over.

"Yes, I am. Shall we be off?" I stepped past him, strutting over to car and hopping into the front seat.

"Busy day today, huh?"

"Yeah, the owner's son is coming three days early."

"That Sangster kid?"

"Well he's hardly a kid, Carter, he's older than I am by a year." I grinned at him, admiring his perfectly sculpted jaw, finding myself wanting to drag my fingers through those curls of his.

"What, so you've stalked him?" He teased, effectively snatching the weird thoughts out of my head. I didn't know what had come over me lately. There's never been anything between Carter and I and there never will be. I told myself.

"I'm the manager of the hotel. It's my job to stalk my guests a little bit." I smirked.

I stepped out of the car after giving Carter a friendly kiss on the cheek and a thank you and walked quickly into the hotel and straight behind the front desk. I breathed in the scent, vanilla. Will's fault, but a delightful disaster at that. He'd accidentally cooked the bottle of vanilla extract instead of a bottle of..I don't know, whatever chef's cook. As it turns out, vanilla is potent when baked. At least he picked a good scent. I picked up the phone and dialed housekeeping. "Hi Brent, did you get the presidential all fixed up?"

"Yes ma'am, just the flowers and the note are left."

"I'll take care of that, thank you Brent." I hung up and jotted down a quick welcome note, signing it with my name and grabbing a bunch of white roses from the back before heading to the elevator. I used my universal key and walked into the suite Sangster would be using. Setting the roses in the vase, I quickly checked for any error in housekeeping, but found everything in order. I checked the clock. Ten past one, now. Twenty minutes till showtime. I rushed back downstairs and sat behind the front desk chatting with Grace while waiting for Mr. Penton's nephew to arrive. We had just begun to gossip about the new lifeguard when in walked the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen, adorned in a tailored black suit that looked very well on him. He was tall and thin, with a precisely angled face and oh, wonderful dirty-blonde hair. He stride up to the counter and spoke with a rich accent.

"Hello, I'm Thomas Sangster, I believe I have a room booked for me?"


So here's the Sangster fic :) I'm pretty excited about it, figured I'd start simple. Let me know how you like it so far! As always, comments and votes are what keeps me writing! :)

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