Chapter Forty-six: Falling apart

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"Hey, Patricia had a program outside town. She wanted me with her. And I didn't have any program so I left with her" he explained.

"So you think you sound convincing huh. You left town for a week no call nothing alright let play then. How was your trip with Patricia? Did you sleep with her?" I asked

"If some one heard you right now  will think you are feeling jealous" he teased

"Not a chance. Tell me, did you two get close and how close were you?. Don't tell me nothing happened this 7 days"

"Hi well you know" he tried to lie.

"I don't know anything so you tell me". I whimpered

"Alright then let me tell you what happened. You just told a lie and it really hurt. I know you were home hiding away from me even though I didn't know why but I feel hurt" I added

"Ana!" He felt guilty

"It okay I won't ask you why. If you could lie to cover it then you won't tell me. Well have a seat I will make you some sweet" I said as I wipe my tears.

He felt bad. But I understand Andrews his brother had already told me the true about his talk with Kay and Ben.

He begged me to give him some time. I tried but I couldn't I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to help him get over me.

Andrew said it was impossible so I should give him space. I'm glad he is here now. This whole week without him felt like a lifetime.

Johnson is my super super best friend. We are in the same hood not like the others I don't need to get in a car to see him.

I can even call him in the middle of the night to come to my place. He will gladly climb my window to see me. Knowing he is hurting because of me makes me sad.

He was quiet the whole time feeling guilty he feels he had hurt me and he wondered if he made the right choice giving up on his love.

"If you were to ever fall in love with a guy among the three of us. Whose personality would you prefer?" He asked after a long pause.

I know where he is going and I know how to play dumb when it comes to hysterical questions.

"What do you mean?. You 3 are unique beings. You all have special qualities that can't be found any where" I answered pretending not to know what he was driving at.

"I know it was a dumb question. Forget I asked" he said sadly.

I gently crawl into his arms like I always do. He hesitated for a bit before adjusting him self well to make me feel comfortable.

"If Patricia is to see us like this she will definitely get jealous and not speak to me for a very long time" he jokes which was not funny.

I realised I was not helping him. I was being in considerate but I just want things to go back to the way they were

"I know you're hurting and its okay if you can't tell me but you will break my heart if that changes things between us" I sob.

"I know that wouldn't happen. Come on you look tired let get you into bed before you end up sleeping here" he said as he carries me to my bed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. It felt good.

He stayed by my side till I fell asleep. I woke up and he was not there.

Nana Ama's wedding was coming up and I can't believe she asked me to be her maid of honour. I was thrilled to.

After Kay's confession he leaves me clues on cards. He is being sweet and romantic. He will have someone deliver me chocolate and ice cream sometimes cards.

This past week has being great aside feeling guilty of Johnson's pain.

Vivian and Rosemary didn't like the fact that I was going to be Nana Ama's maid of honour. I cared less.

I will be meeting Benjamin later at the coffee shop he wants to talk.

"Hi why are we meeting here? are the boys coming?" I asked. " not the boys but Anna is coming"

I wonder why he asked his girlfriend to come and not the boys.


" Listen you don't have to stay if you don't want to speak with Anna. You're my best friend and she is my girlfriend. I made sure she understood that and respect you as such. I really hope you can do the same for my sake" he rumbles.

"I have nothing against Anna if you're are happy then I am too so was up". I asked

"I wanted to spend some time with you alone without the boys" he lamented.

"I don't know what you guys are up too but I don't like this change at all. Can we just go back to the way things were before please. I can't stand you two acting all strange and careful" I moan.

I turn to see Anna approaching the table. If I leave as soon as she arrives. She will have some thoughts and that was exactly what I did.

"Anna is here I'm leaving. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against her. But I do have a problem with the 3 of you" I zing as I turn to face Anna.

"It was nice seeing you again Anna. I will take my leave now" I pointed out.

"I hope you're not leaving because of me?" She  asked.

"No ...not at all dear I wouldn't like to be the third wheel here like the first time. Well I have some errands to run so I will catch up on you guys later". I said as I walked out of the room.

Right out side I saw Malvin and Chris I couldn't tell what they were doing there but it's strange to see those two out there and together in a broad day.

I walk pass them when Malvin called me.

"Hey how nice to see you two here. What brings you here" I asked knowing it was non of my business but I had to for my curiosity.

"Well planning a wedding can be tiring. I came with Chris to check out the invitation cards" he whispers

I could tell from afar he was lying. But I played along with them. Chris asked me to stay with them so I did. We grabbed some ice cream and sat to chit chat for a bit.

We had to much to say about our childhood. Chris playfully said we should also get married. I spotted Kay at the window.

He probably came by to pick me up because Ben might have called him. He was pretty much upset he stood there for a while I excused myself and went after him but he was no longer there.

While I tried looking for him I bump into Jeffrey and his friends they seem high on a broad day. Jeffrey got down to stop me I couldn't follow Kay. He must be furious.

Bobby, Blay and Frank are the close friends of Jeffrey I tried to escape from them but they won't let me.

We ended up in some bar. His friends left to chase after girls. We were left alone. I still enjoy how she looks at me. He asked if I wish to go some where else to talk or watch a movie.

I thought it was the best chance to get rid of him
We left in his car to his house . I still can't tell how I followed him to his house. He offered me drink but I refused. We talked and talked about everything his book and about life. I didn't realise when it got this dark.

He tried to make a move on me and I ended up preaching  the word to him. It was about time I lead him to christ

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