Chapter 9: Fight To Protect

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"Let's get it over with! I'm tired of waiting!" Clutcher said as he charged at David.

As the answer, David polished his stance and after carefully observing his movement he jumped to the right, avoiding incoming attack of his claws. Immediately after, Clutcher jumped after him, slashing whatever is in front of him. Clutcher was fast enough to catch up to him and forced David to block his claws multiple times. During their close combat, the wall suddenly collapsed from David's left and the fragments flied right at David, who jumped back, barely dodging the attack. David then looked at his right and saw Psycho with her arms straightened up. It seems a fair 1v1 is impossible during their fight. Psycho kept throwing rocks at him from everywhere. From below, from sides, from ceiling. Not giving him a moment of break, Clutcher rushed in and once again attacking using his claws. As David prepared his sword to counter Clutcher's attack, another rock was tossed at him from below, forcing David to dodge, allowing Clutcher to slash David's face directly. But even with two against one, David stayed on guard and parried a bit of his attack, resulting in minimizing the damage to single scratch on his cheek.

Seeing that even more rocks are being thrown his way, David rushed at Clutcher and punched his face, smashing him into the wall. Once again, seeing the rocks are coming his way again, David accelerated and rushed at Clutcher again. Clutcher was pushed to the wall, needed space for high speed, he jumped on the wall behind him and started running away, speeding up himself. Both of them started clashing their attacks at such high speed Psycho's telekinesis could not keep up.

David jumped down, Clutcher followed ad he predicted so David stuck his sword into the wall, hung on it and with one spin he launched himself back at him, finishing it with a kick in the face, pushing Clutcher into the ceiling. Suddenly, the wall right next to him started becoming darker than it was, once David looked up he saw a few tons of steel in the form of the Clanker falling right at him, giving David no other choice but to jump down and dodge the deadly attack. As David was falling down, he grabbed his sword but because of it, he lost a few seconds he could use to escape Clanker, he caught up to him and as David looked up, a huge fist was coming right at him. David tried to step back but as he walked back he hit the wall behind him that wasn't there before and then he was easily hit by the massive fist and got smashed into the ground. It seemed as the trio cooperated perfectly, making fighting them real pain.

After David hit the ground he raised his upper body. The punch was so strong it made him feel dizzy so David placed his hand on his head, shaking it to feel better but once he looked up, Clutcher was falling right at him with his claws aimed at David's face. David quickly rolled to the right and dodged it but Clutcher did not stop and once he hit the ground he followed David and attacked him again. As response, David jumped up and dodged his attack again. Once he was in mid-air, Clanker jumped up to him and swung his arm at David, who tried to stop his attack with his bare hands but got pushed away instead. Clutcher follows him and jumps on him with his claws.

Seeing how difficult the situation is, David closes his eyes, throws up his weapon and focuses.

"Throwing away your weapon, ar'ya?! Not so smart!"

David calmly opened his eyes and stopped Clutcher's claws between his fingers. Shortly after, David kicked his chin, jumped over him and kicked his cheek, sending him at the wall. Once David lands on the floor, he's attacked from behind by Clanker, who throws his huge fists at him. Yet again, seeing how slow they are, David casually multiple of his attacks. As David was jumped backwards, another rock appeared behind him, banning him from dodging. So they thought until David kicked the rock and destroy it with one kick, then jumped over Clanker's fist and kicked his face, making him fall, while David gently landed on the ground. Clutcher rushed at him again, David turns around blocks first few attacks then catches his claws and kicks him in the face and immediately jumps over him, catching his sword and avoiding rocks that were tossed at him by Psycho. He had enough of her annoying attacks and rushed right at her.

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