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Song: I love you

Your pov

I look at the guy who is known as the class perv, and I have to agree he is but he is one of the few guys who has ever even looked my way. The other girls are constantly telling me that I shouldn't like the guy because of the way he is but, they don't know him from out side of the class and his perverted ways like I do. He actually happens to be a kind guy yeah his perverted thoughts gets exhausting but if you seen the way his eyes shine when he looks at certain things. Is absolutely adorable. He makes my heart hurt and maybe I should give up on him like the girls said I should... I mean it seems that he has his eye on Momo anyway. Oh shit he is looking this way. I blush a bright rose color as he looks me in the eyes and smiles. He and Kaminari are heading in my direction. i force myself to calm down and get my act together as  they arrive at my desk i am smiling at the both of them. I all of a sudden get the need to cough but i hold it back not wanting to cough " heyyyyyy~ (Y/n) we were wondering something, and you have to answer honestly  or mineta here willl.... he will do something. " i laugh at kaminari's statement " you make is sound like he is evil. But go ahead and as what ever you were going to ask " he chuckles and backs up a bit " uh mineta you ask her dude... i all of sudden don't want to know the answer" i look behind me and see a few of the girls behind me glaring at he two boys " girls i will be fine go off and do what you want me and mineta have talked outside of class and he hasnt done anything so shoo" they mermer and then leave  making sure to send death glares at both of the boys " so what were you guys asking before you got so intimidated by our peers" kaminari laughs " oh thats right uh we were wondering who you found attractive in this class" i smile and continue to hold back the cough " uh i have to say i probably find shoji the  most attractive" they both frown and mineta trys to take a peek up my skirt" however that is not the person i have a crush on. " they  both look at me shocked " wait you actually like some one in this class ?! Who?! " They both shout in sync and everyone turns to us glaring but some of them with a decusted look on there face thinking that they were the one. I laugh " some one no one in this room other than the girls  would ever expect. " i laugh and a few tears start forming in my eyes as i remember that the girls  said he wasn't work the time."mineta looks at me shocked  as well as a few others in the room who were curious as to who it was " Are you ok pip-squeak?" bakugo looks at me and i nod tears falling down my face " yeah the girls say that he isnt worth the time and i have been starting to think that maybe they are right"  bakugo looks at momo pissed and then he gets up and pats my back " i chuckle and a few more tears slip down my face. a few people ar confused as to why bakugo is being nice to me" thanks gay pomerainan" he smacks me in the back of the head " Thanks for outing me to the class you little shit!" i laugh and that causes me to cough and i cover my mouth eyes wide and i quickly leave the class knowing that my hanihaki is just going to keep getting worse as my feelings grow.

Mineta's pov

"ok bakugo why were you being so nice to (y/n)?" he looks at momo " And why the fuck did you tell her that 'he' wasn't worth the time  you ponytailed bitch, just because  you and quite a few others don't like the guy docent me you can force your oppions onto her!" deku walks over to him and hugs him preventing him from going after him as he instantly hugged back out of reflex " wait so you know who it is bakugo?" he nods and looks at me " you should go find her you grape fuck. your one of the few people she trust " i look at him shocked " me? why me ? " he shrugs " how the fuck am i supposed to know why she trust you?"  i shrug and leave the room going off to look for her and i see flowers on the floor covered in blood . i walk directly back into the class room " guys i think there is a intruted in the school. "  todoroki speaks in  a  monotone way" no the alarm woulduhave went off but why do you say that?" i point out the door" cause there are these purple flowers covered in blood in the hallway." my eyes go wide " wait do you guys think (y/n) could be hurt?" bakugo looks at momo " babe you better hold me back because this bitch didnt tell me that she had hanihaki for the bastard" deku lets him go " yeah no kiri hold kacchan back for me while me and momo have a small conversation  that involves my fist and her face "  kiri holds bakugo back and deku calmly walks over to momo " ok you can do that later we need to find her now they are full flowrs she may not live a lot longer ." Everyone looks at me surprised" you know what the stages are?" I nod " yeah... i had it for someone in the class." bakugo looks at me " who ?" i shrug " cant rember but based off of what i know i seen them as a friend before i devoped feelings for them so i could be anyone in the class at this point. " they shake there head " Now lets go find her"  we all split up and looked for her we followed the flowers but they ended as we got a bit away from the class room.

 I  found her a bit later and the first thing she said was " i love you " with tears running down her face. " pleas tell me your lieing. " crying isnt like her" what the hell did i do ?" she has never ben the type to let people see right through her  walls. " please wont you take it back, please tell me you were trying to make me laugh, and then nothing has to change today please tell me you dint mean to say-" she continues crying " I love you, and I don't want to "  she hugs me " maybe we should try to  tell each other a good bye " I hug her back " I didn't mean to make you cry "  she hands me a flower that she was holding on to  " I love you, I don't want to , but I love you"  a few of the others find me hugging her with her crying in my arms slowly sprouting the most beautiful of purple flowers. "Fuck I am so sorry (y/n) I should have known" she shakes her head " No I made sure no one knew. I knew you guys would get worried or try to force me to go get  the surgery"  Bakugo and Deku are the last ones to show up. They ask me to let her go  and I shake my head no" your not got to force her to get the surgery. It is already to late for that anyways. I sit up against a wall and hold her close as she her(e/c) slowly starts to go dark and the light in her eyes start to fade" I look up at Kaminari " Did you know?" he shakes his head "I didn't think the girl you got hanikaki for would end up getting it for you....." Bakugo looks at me pissed but knows that now isn't the time " Bakugo?" Mina looks at him" how did you know it was him?" he shakes a bit trying to hold back sobs" she is my adoptive sister me her and Zuzu all grew up together. we all tell each other everything."

3rdperson pov

 Deku hugs him and tells him to let it out as he is sobbing along with several of the other class mates. Iida was on the phone with Mr. Aizawa explaining why no one is in class. That call ends as quickly as it started. Mr.Aizawa was the last person to arrive to the horrid site of all of his class crying over a singular girl who without a doubt was to kind for her own good. Once the flowers fully took over her body Mr. Aizawa was finally allowed to take her from Mineta " this is the one time every one had genuinely cared for her.   she was given to recovery girl to be taken care of . Mineta was sitting on the ground completely silent. his heart hurt more than it ever has from being rejected buy someone. No one understood why he was so quiet till he looked up at them" this is my fault isn't it..." everyone shakes there head" no  Mineta this is entirely your fault...." Bakugo was being held back from beating  Mineta into a bloody pulp but  then what  Mineta said shocked a lot of people " let him go..." Bakugo in an instant was a calm sobbing mess again " I am so fucking sorry Bakugo... " Mineta was finally letting reality his and he was crying harder than everyone there letting the reality of the one girl who ever cared about him  was no gone and he was the reason and he had no idea until it was to late to save her from what he went through months prior to what just happened. He was once again alone and he was the only person he could blame .

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