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Song: Water fountain

"Hey denki I love you, and I'll never love anyone else!" I giggled my blonde pigtails swaying in the wind as we sat near a water fountain in a park. He laughed back "I love you to (n/n) we should get married one day!" I smiled and grabbed his hand before dragging him off to play in the play house.

18 years later

"Hey Kaminari!"He smiled "hey (n/n) what's up I haven't seen you in a while. Where did you go?" I give him a soft smile "oh I went to uni um I wanted to invite you to my wedding personally. We had been friends for so long and I felt like I should be doing it in person rather than in a letter or something. You'll be there right?" His smile dropped a bit "Yeah of course (y/n) I couldn't just let my friend get married without me there right" he gave me a big smile "are you nervous for it?" I let out a sigh of relief "yeah he's a really good guy but what if he flakes out or something, it terrifies me, he was known as a womanizer in uni but I think I changed him" he gives me a hug " text me the details, I have a few things I have to take care of but I'll be there i promise."

Denkis pov

I walked away before I started running towards the agency. I ran into sero there. " Whoa there bud where you going in such a rush... Man are you crying.... Here let me call the squad and we can talk it out in the office."  I try to wipe the tears away from my face as I walked into the office. Sero following behind on the phone with the others. "Mina and the guys will be here soon, do you want to wait until they get here or explain now?" My face was red and puffy at this point from my crying. The tears wouldn't stop. "I can wait until they get here. God I shouldnt have thought a promise from when I was 8 would last until now right?" Sero looked at me confused as mina and kirishima walked in" sero bro what is this about?" Mina looked at me and walked over and hugged me the tears started falling harder as I hugged her back. Bakugou  walked in "God this must be serious if raccon eyes allowing dunce faces tears ruin her new shirt " sero shoots him a glare " denki so you want to explain what's going on now"  I let go of mina and wipe my tears " it's stupid honestly. I really shouldn't be this upset about this I knew it was going to happen eventually but it really fucking hurts. I didn't think it would hurt this bad." Mina sighs "denki babe is this about (l/n)  getting married?" I started crying again kirishima looks at mina " who's that?" Mina gives a sympathy look to me before sero starts to explain" it's a girl our man here as been crushing on forever. Like I don't know I time he hasn't had a crush on her. " I laugh "have I really been that bad?" Mina smiles "there's the Pikachu, and yes baby boy it's been that bad you wouldnt shut up about how much you liked her. Man it even made ochacos crush on midobabe look like an ant in comparison."  I blush bright red before it fades "well I mean we said we would get married when we were 8 I genuinely thought that we would for a long time. That's why I only ever flirted because she had my heart, I didn't think she had forgotten about it or that it was a joke or something. It hurts like hell. we were 8 though and it's not like we had continued to talk about it after that stupid promise. Now I feel fucking dumb for saving up for a ring. I don't even know the guy she getting married too. It doesn't help that the first time I see her in a few months is her telling me she's getting married."  Bakugo puts a hand over my mouth "dunce face it's normal to feel hurt after your love rejects you so stop saying it's dumb God your annoying " kirishima smacks his arm " bro that's mean". He rolls his eyes and lets go of my mouth"so are you going to the wedding?" Sero asks "I have to I promised I would, she is the live of my life and even if I am not happy I want her to be happy." Mina gasps softly "denki I did know you could be mature " I laugh and roll my eyes "rude mina but I haven't got all the details for it, so I may be able to bring one of you along to it... Who wants to go? " Mina gets excited " I do. Me me me! " Kirishima grabs her shoulders to stop her from jumping "mina calm down" she pouts " but I want to know who made our denki be all mature and who broke his heart she has got to be an absolute babe. " I smile. "But your a girl mina what if she does remember and she wants to see if I object or something... I don't want her to think I forgot the promise..." Sero sighs "dude. She's literally getting married she broke the promise first it doesn't matter now. Let Nina go I highly doubt you want one of us to go, I mean you might find a cute girl who would be better than her right. We might steal her away." Bakugou scoffs " speak for yourself knock off spider man. I am too good for anyone. " Kirishima laughs" I would be the wing man bro I ain't stealing no one from denkibro, and I am kinda already in a relationship sooo." Seri sighs " am I the only person here who hasn't been with a girl " I laughed" I think it's the both of us dude. I have only been on one off dates because I ended up feeling guilty about the promise " mina hugs me again" awe my poor denki, ok let's go out drinking tonight, let's help denki forget the love of his life."

A few months later

"Come on denki I want to meet her, we are going to be late!" I sighed "mina we will be there in 5 minutes you have to calm down, wait kiri is in a relationship?! Why didn't you freak out about that ?!" She laughs nervously " ummm ... So this (l/n) chick is she pretty?" I sigh "I am not going to get it out of you am I ?" She smiles " nope" I laugh "alright mina we are here, go find us a spot I am going to go see her real quick." She smiles then runs off to find us a spot. "Calm down denki" I let out a breath of air then ask where (y/n) is " are you Denki Kaminari?" I nod "alright follow me Mr. Kaminari" I follow the lady and see her " wow (y/n) you look beautiful." I tear up a bit " Denki don't cry, if you cry I am gonna cry. It's my wedding day....." I hug her and smile " I know. I am sorry your just wow, I never thought I would see you like this on your wedding day" I hold back my tears thinking to myself that I thought I would have saw you walking towards me rather than in your dressing room before the wedding. "You look so beautiful like a princess scratch that a queen. You just are beautiful (y/n). And don't worry he's up there waiting for you, I probably shouldn't stay back here to long or the friend I brought with me might get worried. I'll see you when you come out alright. " She smiled at me and hugs me before shooing me out. I walk to wear mina is sitting. " God this man better treat her right or I will sweep her right off her feet and away from him, God she looked beautiful." Mina sighs "oh denki you really love her huh." I smile at her and wait for the music watching it all play out. She looks happy. It's all over and the reception begins.

She walks over "denki are you alright you love these things, I don't know how many you managed to take over when we were younger." I smile " yeah um can I talk to you for a second just you and I?" She smiles  "of course just let me go dance with my husband real quick.
It's 10:15 and he's grabbing her hips and pulling her in kissing her lips whispering in her ear and she feels kinda dirty when she's dancing with him. She pulls away and takes me out to the patio. "So what did you want to talk about?" I sigh"Do you remember when we were sitting near that water fountain when we were 8 and we played in the play house for so long that our parents ended up calling the cops to look for use because we fell asleep in it?" She laughs "I do that was so funny gosh we had so many fun times together." I smile " yeah it was ,but it's what happened at the water fountain that stuck with me .... You said you loved meand that you wouldn't love anyone else, you promised it actually. We were 8 but I said I wanted to marry you . " Her smile falters a bit "denki what are you getting at?" I smile" it doesn't matter now but I took it to heart when you said that, I want you to be happy even if it isn't with me. I love you regardless if you feel the same. I wanted you to know that. I had to get it off my chest now, and I couldn't risk saying it to you before your wedding. I didn't want you to somehow change your mind marrying that guy in there. I couldn't let that happen. I can see you love him." She tears up " denki you asshole, you can just drop all of that on someone!" I hug her"don't cry (n/n) you'll ruin all the beautiful make up that you got on. " She hugs back "I thought you had forgotten all about it, if you would have said something the day I told you I would have cancelled it that day. I didn't know you.... " She starts bawling"shhhh (y/n) you love him don't you?" She nods as she's wiping her tears"then it's ok. But you have got to promise me that if he hurts you you'll come to me first so I can knock his teeth in." She laughs. Her tears gone " he wouldn't." I smile " there's that beautiful smile, and I mean at all , he forgets your anniversary, Valentines day, your birthday, your moms, mother's day your favorite color, he cheats, he doesn't give you enough attention, love, time any of it, I want you to come to me, hell if he doesn't spend enough money on you. Come to me for any of it and I will sped every penny nickel and dime just to see you happy. I love you. " She smiles " ok denki I promise. "  She walks back to her groom and mina comes out " did you say what you want to?" I smile " yeah and I know that if he fucks up even once it's over for them." Mina laughs "how? " I smirk" because if it has to do with her I remember every thing. That means she will throw it in his face that I remembered but he didn't, and I am just her friend." Mina gasps " denki you sly dog, how could you?" I laughed " mina why do you think this is the only guy thats been able to win her heart?" Mina laughs " denki don't tell me you have been basically sabotaging her relationships?" I laughed" no I just let her know her worth, she knows that if someone like me a complete ditz can remember her birthday and her mom's her  favorite color. Valentines day and everything else. That means they can too and if they don't then they aren't worth her time." Mina laughs "so are you going to go take over the dance floor now?" I smile " of course I had to the let the bride have her chance don't you know "

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