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Song: You were good to me

I was looking at the tall man in front  of me who was good to me for the past few years, but i have to leave  him behind. I am already no longer floating, i know i am dying. He quickly wrappes me in 4 of his arms trying to protect me from any more damage caused from the fighting around us. I know i won't last through this. " hey (y/n) you have to stay awake ok...." i chuckle as i feel blood driping from the back of my head  "I will try, octo" he looks at me with fear in his eyes " ... we have to get you out of here " my legs start giving out and he instantly scoops me up holding me close to him. He searches for a way to get me to safety. There isnt one and there is no one who can help us. We were called in for a simulation of a villian attack to help Mr. Aizawa with his new class, but it seems that maybe this is real seeing as no one is making any moves  to come in and help. Aizawa is getting  mad because tgey wont let him com in and help. " hey Mezo..." he looks at me and then goes  back to trying to protect me as well as get a few  people  to safety "yeah... " i smile " dont be mad at anyone  if i dont make it ok" he looks at me shocked " you have to make it. This is only a simulation right." I use my quirk for a brief moment  stoping time for everything but me and shoji " sadly i think this was supposed to be a simulation, but i think it is a real one." Time resumes and we have a lot more blood on us. I chuckle as he sets me down on a rock" ( y/n ) promise me that ypu will stay awake till i get back." I flash him a smile and he leaves quickly. " you were good to me Mezo Shoji. You were so very good to me. " Aizawa is looking down at me clearly scared  thra he is going to watch me die because they wont stop the simulation. One of the villians we were fighting comes over to me bleeding worse from their sotmach thank i am" you figured it out as soon as the fighting started didn't you." I laugh and nod. He looks at me confused " Why are you laughing "  look up at him" Well lets just say i knew  this was going to happen but the only difference was it was the octopus that was in this position. " the villain sits down next to me " so we are dieing together then huh" i nod" whats your name anyway?" They chuckle " never got to get one why don't you think of one for me(y/h/n)" i smile " how about (r/n) " they smile and close their eyes" thanks, hey do you think we could hang out after  this whole death  thing?" I start  laughing " yeah lets just hope you last long enough to get to the hospital tho bud" i start coughing  up blood and then i hear loud explosions " hey (r/n) hold my hand " they grab my hand " if i squeeze  your hand you have to open your eyes and it goes the same way for me, ok " they nod and i squeeze  their hand and they open their eyes. I start becoming tired  and my eyes  start to drift close " (y/h/n) dont go to sleep " i open my eyes  wide" i will try not to " the explosions get louder  and i see a blonde out of the corner of my eye" hey DynaMight!" Bakugo looks over at me and he looks shocked. He is telling somesthing put i cant hear. I feel (r/n) hand go limp " fuck!!!" I shake them trying to wake them up. One of their  eyes flash open" why did you pull me back " i chuckle " i cant have you dieing on me casue if you do i might die too. " he laughs  and sees bakugo comeing over pissed as hell but as he gets closer  i can tell that something is wrong" (y/h/n) where the hell is the octopus?" I point in the direction  he is " make sure he takes care of our baby when i pass Katsuki" he shakes his head " no cause you won't be fucking dieing!" I laugh and get up pulling the villian up with me " take him then " he looks at me and nods takeing the guy leaving  immediately taking him to the ambulance that was waiting. I sit back down and smile  looking up to where aizawa was and he has tears running down his face" fuck i know i am going to die but jesus  do you have to make it seem like i am"  my eyes grow more and more tired as i see bakugo  running  back but this time in the direction  as to where shoji is. My eyes close  fully for a few seconds  and when i open them shoji is in front of me tears running  down his face qnd he has is mask off" octo why is your mask off " he grabs me  and pulls  me into his body  picking ke up " i am sorry, but they want me to  use this as a distraction to get everyone else out and to safty. You have been ao good to me and i cant even try to save you" i smile wide and kiss him" as long as 2 of the 3 of us  makes it out of here then it will be fine " he looks at me shocked now fully  hurt knowing that i got hurt and that there was to be a kid between us" how far along?" I hold onto him" you will find out later when i am in the hospital " they finally let aizawa help after they finally get confermation that it wasnt a simulation . I stop time again walking over to aizawa  and huging him he hugs back " you rotton child why did you have to go and get yourself into this mess?! " i laugh " you know i attract  trouble  now sir kick there asses for killing them. You know my premonitions are never wrong, and dont let shoji name the kid after  me. He nods and i resume time more blood is poring from my head and aizawa  is yelling at his students  to evaluate everyone. Shoji is holding me in his arms as he is running  to the other medical  vehicle  and he practically shoves me into  the peoples arms and he is asking them to take me  they seem scared" dont worry docs he may be scary looking  but he is super sweet " they nod and put me in shoji has his and in mine my eyes flutter shut and i am out

Shoji's pov

I watch as her eyes shut.Fuck what am i going to do. I cant live without her  i squeeze  her hand and she opens her eyes  but it is odvious  that she isn't  really there. I am string at the only  person  who  has constanly been good to me and they are on there death bed just waiting for  it to be over. I am dead  silent  just watch  her so very dull eyes dart around the area  and then they land on me she tries  to put a hand on her stomach. The doctors are looking at us quite confused. I kiss her hand " yes the kid is fine your body  automaticly put it in a force feild like thing " she smiles  and puts  my hand on her stomach then falls back asleep "i hear the beeping of the heart  monitor  beep in a nice rhythmic pattern and  i look at the doctors  who are terrified of the person  on the stretcher" how is she even  conscious, hell ahe should  be dead  with the amout of blood she has lost, she is lucky!" I shake my head no" she is just holding on to what she can and loving everything  she had before  she has befor she has to let go. She is good to me and everyone  around her. She just  wants to see everyone  befor she goes. As soon as this baby  is born  and everyone  stops by to see if she is ok she will let go and she will leave  me.... " tears leave my face  rapidly  and i hear the monitor start beeping  rapidly  ans we get to the hospital ." She is going to be having that kid sooner  rather than later dad so come on" i quickly follow  and  after  a few hours  i am told i could  go out to the waitimg room and let in people  one at a time. All of our class mates are here and worried  one by one they talk to her and as soon as i walk in i hear her cry and i quicly run over to her holding her as she loses  all strength  and one of the nurses  comes in holding our baby  and they give her to me " hey baby girl..." she looks at me and smiles " shoji you know i have to leave  now right." I nod tears rolling  down my face  "but please name her, at least,  i am not good at these things (y/n)." She looks at our daughter " lillith" i smile  and then kiss  her leaving  the room  with  the baby in hand  as a bright  light  comes from the room and disappears as quickly  as it appeared and i wall back in picking up tge necklace  that she left behind  as a last wish with the words engraved in it 'You were good to me love mom'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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