The Interview pt.2

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Bria's interview
Hey sexy lady, how are you?
I was you know doing fine until Yall put me in a room with like 3 guards.. But I must say Yall dope for making sure their body was on point. Girl, the light skin one with hazel eyes had me like woah. Girl, lemme tell you I wanted to...
Soooo Bria.. How is life?
Yea, it's straight. Missing my girl Kamden and my lil bro like crazy. You know what.. I actually talked to her the other day.
So, you know she's alive?
Yea, but she told me not to tell anyone. I know what you thinking. But I understand. Yazmin tried to get her killed so yea her safety is her main priority right now.
Do you feel bad for allowing you brother to think she dead?
Her and Tristan, is her and Tristan. When they talk, that's a conversation they gonna have to have. Do I feel bad, yea. My brother is hurt and he blames himself.
Have you seen Kamden at all?
No, I haven't but I want to tho. Last time I saw her she looked damn near dead.
So, when did you find out she was alive?
She called me, it was a month after everything had happened. She told me she was alright. She was telling me how she's with Emilo and how he's keeping her safe. She was telling me how her not being with my brother changed her. She's more patient, quiet, and calm. She alway felt like she had to fight over Tristan. The conversation was was short though. Emilo didn't want her to tell everyone she was alive.
How do you think Tristan is gonna react to her being alive?
Oh, he gonna be pissed. There were so many days he cried over her. Like I said he hurt. I wouldn't want to be there,when it all comes out.
Does trill really love Kamden?
Most definitely! He love that girl like squirrels love nuts. She was his every thing. They were bout to get married. She was and is his everything. Trill never was the settling down kind of guy. My brother was a hoe and she changed him.
So, I just want you to know the beloved readers want to know about your troubling past.
There really ain't shit to tell. I was raped,trying to protect my little sister and brother.
So, in revenge you killed them?
Yes, I mean a have no shame. Yes, I've killed people. Okay, and? They took my virginity and every shred of dignity I had that day. So, I killed them, and that still doesn't make up for what they did.
What about your son?Can you tell us about what happened to him?
Aiden was my everything. They way he died was so fucked up. We were at the park, and he was on the swings. I was taking pictures of him and you know recording him having a good time. When out of nowhere a car drove through the gate surrounding the park. Aiden hopped off the swings and ran to me. I picked him up and tried to run to the restroom. He was 4 at the time. I was scared he was crying but the driver just kept driving. I remember yelling help, but we were the only ones at the park. The driver was driving towards us. I uhh kept running and I tripped in a huge hole in the ground. Aiden was okay but my ankle was broken. I heard the snap and everything. I told him to run to the restroom but he was too scared. So I umm *tears running down her face* I tried to stand back up. And show him I was okay and tell him to run. He ran to the restroom and as he was running the car hit him from...*breaks down crying* the car hits him from the behind and pins him against the concrete wall outside of the restroom. He was screaming in pain, and I couldn't do anything. He just kept yelling mommy. Then his yelling finally stopped when the driver backed up and unpinned him. I saw his body just slump to the ground. No one needs to see there child like that. No child deserves a death so cold. I crawled over to him and that's all I remember.
I'm like speechless.. I actually don't know what else to say. I'm sorry that happened.
There is not a day that goes by without me thinking about him. I was 18 when I had him. He was a miracle. After I was raped they said I couldn't have kids, but I had him and he lit up my world.
How did you find out how who ,excuse me when I say this , murdered your son?
I read the license plate number and I found out about the killer the same day of Aiden's funeral. I didn't want to see my baby get put into the ground. So, instead I skipped it and went to go get revenge. But umm...can we change the subject because I just can't anymore.
Yes, because actually our time has ran out. Thank you Bria for sharing your story.

Aiden in multimedia

Tristan refused to show.

Emilio's interview
Hey Emilio
So, let's get straight to it..why should Kamden trust you?
I feel like I'm the only person who truly has her back.
Tristan didn't have her back?
If he truly loved her and had her back she never would have gotten shot.
What makes you think you better for her?
She has nothing to worry about with me. I'm safe. No drugs. No problems. A legit job. No drama. No hoes. Just safety.
What if she doesn't want safety?
She needs safety... Sometimes you have to put what you need before what you want. Luckily she wants me though.
Are you intimidated by Tristan?
Why would I be?
I'm just asking a question.
Well,to answer your question, no, I'm not intimidated by him. There is nothing to be intimidated by. He a thug. A punk. A nobody.
Apparently you feel threatened by him. You calling him a nobody, when you barely know him.
That's just an honest man's opinion.
If that's what you want to call it.
What you wanna call it?
You being jealous.
What does he have that I want....
Well for one...Kamden's heart.....but yea.. You dismissed..The exit is to the left. #TeamTrill

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