Chapter 13

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TW SELF HARM (Make sure you read the end has some important information about this.)

I woke up in the hospital and saw Dream with his head down in his hands. "Fuck you." I said still sour. "Tommy!?" "I-I thought you were gone. We have to get Tubbo!" "No." I frowned. "Huh?" "I said what I said I don't want that dumb ass traitor by me."

I began to sit up on my bed and looking at some bruises on my leg but that wasn't a big deal. Then I remembered my scars. "Shit, you must have saw them I guess." "Saw what?" Dream said like the dumb ass he was. I couldn't tell if he never knew what I meant or if he never actually saw it.

Tubbo came running into my room and screamed "TOMMY OH MY GOD YOUR ALIVE!!!!" I pushed him off me and said "what do you want?" With no emotion turning cold and harsh. "Tommy I was so worried for yo-" I hit the back of his head as he tried to hug me. "Go away from me like what the fuck is wrong with you do you have a mental illness or something because what you did was dumb as fuck. I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN." I punched his stomach and stormed out of the bed.

Tubbo POV
I started crying out of pain as he left me. "Why would he do that Dream?" I cried. "Maybe it's because you exiled your best friend dumb ass." He said coldly. "I'm going to leave okay Tubbo and see Tommy to take him to his new home." He smirked. I sat on the floor and my tears freezed stuck to my face. I thought of how he wasn't moving for three days and how he made it... and the marks... I remember Dream picking him up in the wind and his pant leg flew up and I saw about 40 little cuts... I sighed and walked back to my house to sleep.

Sorry this is so short I felt no motivation to write and I was really bored and had no idea what to write down. And if you are having any problems or thinking of giving up please call 18002738255 (suicidal prevention line) No but actually if you have any thoughts of giving up please call them. And if you know someone who has been acting suicidal please talk to them and if they're happy all a sudden and giving you things they love it might be a sign they are planning on giving up. Please stay safe and try to pick up on the hints and the tiny cries for help.

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