Chapter 7

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         Hiiii I'm just won't to say sorry for not posting last night my wifi was being wonk. 

      I woke up and grabbed my phone seeing a text from Tubbo. "Good morning Tommy!" I smiled at my phone, "Good morning Tubbo!" I sat up on my bed slowly getting up remembering that I might get exiled today. I hopped up from my bed grabbing my phone and walking to my dresser. Putting on my grey sweatpants and a black and red hoodie I put my phone in my pocket. I started walking out side talking to big Q and fundy but then I saw Tubbo. I smiled as large as I could. Him running over to me slapped my back. I laughed. "Hey Tommy!" "Hi Tubbo!" "Do you guys wanna go eat some food with me apparently we have a café!" "Um mayb-" Big Q and Fundy interrupted me. "We'd love to!" My stomach growled at the thought of food. "Tommy? Do you want to come with us?" "Uh okay." We sat at a small little table for all four of us. An unfamiliar voice walked up to our table, "Hi! What would you guys like today?" Tubbo looked at the menu "Hmm I'll have some pumpkin pie and water please." "Oooo is too." Big Q said. "And what about you?" "Eh I'll pass thank you though." Tubbo looking at me confused raised his eye brows. "You know what I'll also have some salad please." "Oh! Alright." The girl walked of happy. Tubbo grabbed his phone and started texting me. "Tommy what was that?" I heard a ding from my phone and looked at it. Putting my head down I grabbed it. "Wdym" "Tommy why aren't you eating it's a little rude not to your at a dang restaurant." Lifting my head up with my phone facing my palm I looked at Tubbo in a confused and unimpressed way. Texting him "Sorry but when we're you my mom?" Tubbo looked up from his phone and gave me a death stare. The girl walked up to our table giving Big Q Fundy and Tubbo their pies and putting the salad by Tubbo. "Thank you!" "Your welcome." Tubbo looking at me slid the salad to me and texted "You better eat this -_-" I sighed and grabbed a fork and started eating it knowing I was starving. Putting ranch on it I ate it all in less than 5 minutes. Feeling good about myself for eating I smiled but then it quickly turned into a frown. Oh my god I just ate.. My own mind becoming toxic made me frown. When I looked at the others I found them half way through their pies. When the girl came up to us again we were all done eating. She gave us the check and we all decided to spilt it. Walking out of the café Tubbo sighed I assumed he made his decision.

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