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CHAPTER FIFTEEN"Hard-Hearted Hannah"

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"Hard-Hearted Hannah"


amelia woke up to the sound of the sun-blocking blinds on the windows being lifted, and the dead weight of eric's arm across her waist. she laid with her back against his chest, the coldness of him not bothering her at all. her warmth made him feel comforted and safe, and as he fell into his dead sleep the previous night, he couldn't remember a time he was happier.

eric woke from his sleep, smiling at the small blonde in his arms. the night they had shared was more than intimate, it was a night of devotion and giving themselves over to one another completely and fully. he tightened his arms around her, kissing her head.

she turned her head towards him, smiling and seeing his blue eyes that she could get trapped in for hours. "good evening, miss stackhouse," he smiled, "how'd you sleep?"

"perfect, you?" she asked, fully turned around now and facing him. he took his arm that was resting in her waist and brushed her hair behind her ear, "i slept like the dead." he joked, making her laugh lightly at the stupid joke.

eric looked over her face, playing with her hair and smiling to himself. "what?" she asked, smiling too, as eric stopped combing through her hair gently and resting his hand on her waist, making small circles with his fingertips. "nothing, i'm just realizing how lucky i am." amelia's brows furrowed in confusion, "why's that?"

eric smiled more, his eyes shifting down to her waist where his hand was and back up to her eyes, "because you make me feel like no one ever has. even when you'd reject me, you made me feel like i had someone to rely on."

"well, you had pam?" she said, still smiling, content at the moment, but confused on why he said it as if he had no one. he nodded, "i did, and do, but with you it's different. pam has strictly been my progeny for years, only once before have i felt this toward a human."

amelia couldn't help her heart from feeling like it was just oozing love down into her stomach and giving her butterflies. she held his face in her hands and gently placed a kiss on his lips, leaving him unsatisfied when she pulled away. "give me another," he mumbled, his eyes still closed as she kissed him again, this time, longer.

when they pulled away from one another, eric looked to the clock on the bedside table and sighed, "i'm afraid i have to meet someone in a few minutes. will you be here when i get back?" he asked as she nodded and laid her head on the pillow comfortably.

as eric left the hotel room, he could feel a slight knot in his stomach. sure, he was incredibly happy with amelia, he had finally gotten what he wanted. at first, it was pure lust, he smelled her and wanted her as a pet, he thought she would fall on her knees for him like any other woman, but she was different.

she was truly an amazing woman, someone eric could actually see himself with for years to come. pam liked her, so that was a plus, and ginger seemed to not mind her, but he didn't really care what ginger thought, said, or did, anyway.

eric was snapped out of his thoughts when he made it down to the main floor, meeting lorena in the hallway. he didn't trust bill, not one bit, so he came up with a plan to keep him from amelia.

he would have lorena keep bill busy, hopefully, lorena would either kill him or convince him to come back with her. either way, eric had a gut feeling that if he pulled any of his usual stunts, amelia wouldn't have any trouble staking him.

he wasn't a good vampire, and eric would do anything to prove that. he wanted him as far away from amelia as possible, and he didn't have such a good feeling about sookie either. he could see her thoughts, how amelia knew there was something up with bill. she had a great judge of character, and eric admired that.

once eric told lorena what his plan was, she agreed immediately, lying terribly about not wanting bill back. eric rode the elevator up with her, telling her that she could do absolutely whatever she wanted and take as long as she wanted.

he got off on his floor, smiling slightly at the idea of amelia and him possibly having some alone time before isabel and or stan came to interrupt them.

his thoughts were crushed, as isabel and a human were already walking in front of him and stopped at their door. "isabel, human, to what do i owe the pleasure?" he said sarcastically, isabel rolling her eyes.

"eric, this is hugo, he is mine." she said, eric's head turning to hugo and nodding as hugo did the same. "we're here to let you and amelia know that hugo will be accompanying sookie as she infiltrates the fellowship later today."

eric stood up straight, "okay." he said, unbothered. isabel looked slightly shocked, "...okay?"

"yes. she's not mine, nor do i care for her," eric said, then took a deep breath, smiling politely. "have a nice evening."

he walked into his room, seeing amelia on the couch reading a book. she looked up at him and smiled, "hey," she said, making him smile too. "good evening, miss stackhouse," he said, walking to her and sitting next to her on the couch, resting his arm over her shoulders.

"sookie's being accompanied by a human to the fellowship," he said softly, making amelia nod. "are you okay with her being with a stranger?" he asked, genuinely curious about her feelings. he shocked himself and had to stop himself from reacting to it.

"i mean, she's a big girl... kind of," she said, shrugging and setting the book next to herself. "i dunno, she's never tried to keep me safe, so i guess i shouldn't try to keep her safe."



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HELLO i'm so sorry i took so long! love you all

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